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Initial and ongoing teacher education plays an integral role in ensuring Victorian children and young people have the best teachers.

Teacher qualifications

Individuals wishing to undertake the duties of a teacher in Victoria are required to have attained approved qualifications to become registered. 

Those who wish to teach in a school setting must hold an initial teacher education (ITE) qualification or equivalent.

Those who wish to teach in an early childhood service must hold an early childhood education qualification approved or recognised by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). 

Initial teacher education (ITE) programs, early childhood education programs and combined programs are offered by universities across the country. All ITE programs offered in Victoria are accredited by VIT.

Visit the Qualifications and other prerequisites for new teachers page to find out more.

Qualifications Policy

Check out VIT’s Qualifications Policy to find out more.

Icon Important Info

Those wishing to become a registered teacher may also be required to provide details of a successfully completed Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) and/or an English language competency test.

Continuing education and professional learning for teachers

Teachers who hold full registration are required to undertake regular professional learning in order to maintain their registration. The VIT expects these professional learning activities to include formal and / or informal learning experiences aimed at improving the teacher’s knowledge, practice and competencies in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).

Visit the Professional learning for teachers page to find out more.

There are many continuing education programs available for qualified teachers who wish to gain further qualifications in a specialist teaching area.

Visit the Continuing education programs for teachers page to find out more.

Last updated: 10 Aug 2022

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