Teachers who hold provisional registration have two years to move their practice from the Graduate to the Proficient teacher level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). This work is undertaken in collaboration with other experienced fully registered teachers who can provide the provisionally registered teacher (PRT) with feedback and support in the development of their practice.
Teachers will be able to apply for full registration when they can demonstrate that
- they have taught for at least 80 days in one or more Australian or New Zealand schools / early childhood (EC) services, and
- provide evidence that they have met the APST at the Proficient teacher level using VIT’s Inquiry process.
Click on each step below to find out more about the moving to full registration process.
Check out the PRT Guide to find out more about the requirements for VIT’s Inquiry process.
If the PRT’s mentor does not work at the same workplace, the PRT should tick the allocated box acknowledging this, and download/complete the form to provide VIT with more information.
Employers should check out VIT’s Workplace Panel Guide for more information about how to form a workplace panel to support their PRTs moving to full registration.
Before a PRT begins the process, VIT recommends they read our guide for moving to full registration. The guide contains a template for collating your evidence and is available in a PDF or Word document in the Templates and checklists below.
We recommend reading the relevant companion and evidence guides. These supplementary guides contain context specific information regarding the process of moving from provisional registration to full registration.
Click the accordions below to view all our resources or meet the Professional Practice team and find out how they can assist you.
Need more help understanding the process of moving to full registration? VIT regularly holds free PRT seminars to help make the process easier. Visit the Events and seminars page to find out more.
Click here to see a range of helpful videos about moving to full registration, including step-by-step guides, tips and examples.
Click here to listen to some podcasts from other teachers who have been through the process.
Last updated: 01 Jul 2024