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Registration Helper logo Registration Helper What registration do I need?

The professional practice and professional learning requirements may differ depending on the teacher's registration category.

Registration category 20 days professional practice per annum 20 hours professional learning per annum
Full registration :icon-for-yes :icon-for-yes
Provisional registration :icon-for-no :icon-for-no
Non-practising registration :icon-for-no :icon-for-no
Permission to teach :icon-for-no :icon-for-no


Provisionally registered teachers

Teachers who apply for / currently hold provisional registration are not required to provide evidence of professional practice or professional learning upon application or as part of the annual registration process.


Provisionally registered teachers who are moving to full registration will provide evidence of both professional practice and professional learning as part of VIT’s Inquiry process. Visit the Moving to full registration page to find out more.

Non-practising teachers and those who hold permission to teach

Teachers who apply for / currently hold permission to teach (PTT) or currently hold a non-practising registration are not required to provide evidence of professional practice or professional learning. Holders of PTT may need to provide evidence of professional learning in line with the PTT Policy if applying for a new grant of PTT.

Icon Important Info

Please note that it is an offence to teach in Victoria without registration.

Fully registered teachers

Teachers who currently hold full registration are required to

  • practise for at least 20 days as a teacher or educational leader (or undertaken equivalent practice) and in what context (full-time, part-time or casual relief teaching), and
  • complete at least 20 hours of professional learning that references the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).

Recency of practice

Teachers who hold full registration are required to make declarations that they have undertaken 20 days of professional practice within the proceeding registration period as part of the annual registration process. This can include teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership.

Visit the Recency of practice page to find out more.

Professional learning

Any activities that teachers engage in that develop their professional knowledge and practice to support student learning and that are relevant to their teaching context can be counted as professional learning.

The VIT expects that all professional learning activities used as evidence to be formal and/or informal learning experiences aimed at improving the teacher’s knowledge, practice and competencies in the APST.

Visit the Professional learning page to find out more.

Documenting and providing evidence

In most cases, teachers are only required to provide evidence of professional practice if they are returning from non-practising registration or have been selected for audit.

Visit the Audits page for more information.

What if I cannot meet my professional practice and/or professional learning obligations?

If a teacher with full registration is unable to practise for at least 20 days as a teacher, they will be provided with the option to declare they have undertaken one of the following

  • 40 days in the previous two years
  • 60 days in the previous three years
  • 80 days in the previous four years, or
  • 100 days in the previous five years.

Fully registered teachers who are not currently teaching or cannot meet the professional learning requirements to renew their registration can apply for non-practising registration. Once they have moved to non-practising registration, the teacher will not be permitted to work as a teacher in any school or early childhood setting until they return to teaching from non-practising registration.

Fully registered teachers may also cease their registration via their MyVIT account if they are no longer teaching. Please note if registration is ceased and registration is required in the future, the teacher will need to reapply for registration and meet all current application requirements. Fully registered teachers who cease their registration for more than 5 years and wish to re-register as a teacher, may only be eligible to apply for provisional registration.  

Last updated: 14 Jul 2023

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