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Registration Helper logo Registration Helper What registration do I need?

The Victorian Institute of Teaching, the Commission for Children and Young People, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and the Quality Assessment and Regulation Division of the Victorian Department of Education and Training work with each other as co-regulators who are committed to child safety.

These organisations regularly receive reports regarding the conduct of a registered teacher*, school or early childhood service.

Please note this reporting guide refers to matters of conduct only. For a general overview of how these organisations deal with complaints, please visit the above links.

Conduct reporting scenarios

Conduct reporting obligations can vary for members of the community (parents, students/learners), registered teachers*, schools and early childhood (EC) services.

The following scenarios have been developed to assist the above cohorts in understanding who to report to regarding the conduct of a registered teacher*, school or EC service, and which organisations are involved following a report.

There may be circumstances where a complaint lodged with one organisation discloses an issue that also falls within the remit of another organisation. In cases such as this, the original recipient may contact the complainant as required to seek consent to forward their complaint to the related organisation for its independent consideration.

It is also noted that through established information sharing provisions and memorandums of understanding, co-regulators are able (and in some circumstances, required) to notify each other of certain conduct issues.

* If a scenario applies to any person employed in a school or EC service who is not a registered teacher, the stated reporting guidelines apply (except VIT).

Last updated: 20 Jul 2022

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