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Registration Helper logo Registration Helper What registration do I need?

Before teaching in any Victorian school or being employed by any early childhood service, those who have recently graduated or are about to graduate from a Victorian initial teacher education (ITE) or early childhood (EC) program will be required to apply for provisional registration.

Unlike others who apply for provisional registration, there are some key differences to the timeline and requirements for graduates.

Useful Resource

Check out our How to register as a teacher guide to assist graduates wishing to apply for provisional registration.

When can graduates register?

Intake of graduate applications for provisional registration occurs twice yearly, commencing in April for mid-year graduates and August for end-year graduates. You can find out more about the registration timeline on the How long does it take to register page.

The VIT will obtain Evidence of Completion (EOC) directly from your ITE provider. Registration cannot be granted until this is received, and the VIT recommends that graduates do not apply too far in advance of their expected graduation date.

Watch our video - How to apply for registration as a graduate

What evidence is required?

Graduates are required to provide the following evidence upon application.

Verification and proof of identity

All teachers must provide documentation as proof of their identity to enable VIT to conduct a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). This includes

  • one commencement document to confirm your birth or arrival in Australia
  • one primary document to show the use of your identity in the community
  • two secondary documents to show the use of your identity in the community.

A list of accepted proof of identity documentation can be found on the Proof of identity page.


Graduates must provide evidence of their successful completion of an approved ITE or EC qualification in order to apply for provisional registration.

The VIT has an agreement with a number of institutions providing ITE and EC programs that allows us to obtain this information on the graduate’s behalf. These include

  • Australian Catholic University Victoria
  • Deakin University
  • Eastern College Australia
  • Federation University Australia
  • Holmesglen Institute
  • La Trobe University
  • Melbourne Polytechnic
  • Monash University
  • RMIT University
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • University of Melbourne, and
  • Victoria University.

We recommend that graduates check with their ITE or EC program provider to confirm whether evidence of completion will be provided directly to VIT.

If a graduate has completed their studies with an ITE or EC program provider that is not on this list, they will need to provide VIT with an official academic transcript and evidence of completion for the qualification.

All graduates will also need to provide

  • evidence of other higher education studies for those who completed additional qualifications prior to their post-graduate teacher qualifications
  • evidence of previous higher education studies for those who received advanced standing or recognition of prior learning (RPL).

Graduates must also provide evidence of supervised teaching practice.

Other testing

The Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) is how ITE program graduates demonstrate they have the required literacy and numeracy levels appropriate to work as a teacher in Australia.

Graduates may need to provide evidence of successful completion of LANTITE if it was not completed as part of their qualification.

Icon Important Info

Please note those applying for provisional registration as an early childhood teacher are not required to undertake the LANTITE. However, this may still form part of their EC program.

If an applicant has completed any of their ITE or early childhood (EC) program studies outside of Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada or the Republic of Ireland, they will be required to complete an English language competency test. This can be undertaken at an accredited testing centre.

Applicants who are required to undertake English language competency training will need to provide evidence of successful completion by providing a certificate or written statement from an accredited testing centre.

Visit the Qualifications and other prerequisites for new teachers page to find out more.

How to apply

Visit the How to register page to find out more. You can also find out more about the registration timeline on the How long does it take to register page.

Last updated: 15 Nov 2023

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