The VIT has a range of resources available to employers.
Register of registered teachers (the register)
Confirm a teacher's registration status via the Register of teachers.
Keep up with the latest news
The VIT distributes a range of regular stakeholder communications, including
- Professional Practice e-newsletter (issued to all registered teachers)
- Principal Circular (issued to all schools)
- Early Childhood Circular (issued to all early childhood services)
- PRT Circular (issued to all PRTs)
- CRT Circular (issued to teachers who have identified as CRTs)
- ITE Circular (issued to Victorian ITE providers and passed on to ITE students).
- PTT Circular (issued to PTT holders)
The latest edition of these communications can be found on the Circulars and newsletters page.
The VIT also publishes videos and podcasts that showcase good teacher practice, explore professional conduct boundaries, provide helpful information on registration processes and address some of our most frequently asked questions. Visit the Videos and podcasts page for a full list.
Guides, forms and templates
Employers can find a range of resources to assist them below.
- Employer pack: A guide to teacher registration
- Provisional to full registration: The workplace recommendation panel
- Supporting Provisionally registered teachers: A guide to the full registration process
- Provisionally registered casual relief teachers and teachers in non-school settings: A companion guide to gaining full registration
- Guide to applying for Permission to Teach (PTT)
- Guidance note on supporting PTT holders
- Consent to disclose personal and health information form
Need help finding information about registration matters? Use our handy Registration Helper tool to quickly and easily find information about what registration category your employees may be eligible to apply for, how they can maintain or change their current registration, or how to apply for a new registration.
How to use the Employer portal
The Employer portal allows schools and early childhood services to maintain and monitor their teacher list, recommend provisionally registered teachers for full registration and apply for permission to teach (PTT) grants.
Download a copy of the Employer Portal Guide for instructions on how to access and use the Employer portal.
Click here for a range of videos on how to manage an application in the Employer portal.
Last updated: 01 Aug 2023