In performing its regulatory functions, VIT must consider the safety and wellbeing of children, including by taking into account community expectations.
If a suitability matter needing further examination is identified, VIT will write to the teacher outlining the suitability matter that has been identified.
Who makes the decision about my application if I have a suitability matter?
Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, the VIT Council is responsible for making decisions with respect to applications for registration or renewal of registration.
The VIT may decide to
- grant the application for registration or application for renewal of registration
- refuse the application for registration or application for renewal of registration, or
- impose conditions, restrictions or limitations on a teacher’s registration.
The VIT Council has delegated the power to grant registration or renewal of registration to VIT’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The VIT Council has also delegated the power to impose conditions, restrictions or limitations on a teacher’s registration to the CEO and the Professional Conduct and Registration Suitability (PCRS) Committee.
Can I make submissions to support my case?
The VIT will provide the teacher with an opportunity to respond to the suitability matter and invite them to provide any further information they may wish to provide regarding their application for registration or renewal of registration.
The teacher will be notified if the CEO, the PCRS Committee or the VIT Council intends to
- refuse their application for registration or renewal of registration, or
- impose conditions, limitations or restrictions on their registration.
The teacher will have a further opportunity to make written submissions to VIT in support of their application. The VIT will consider any written submissions provided prior to making a final decision.
Teachers are not obliged to provide VIT with any information. However, VIT may refuse to grant an application for registration or renewal of registration to those who fail to produce satisfactory evidence of their suitability to teach.
Can I appeal a decision?
If VIT decides to refuse an application for registration or renewal of registration, or impose conditions, restrictions or limitations on a teacher’s registration, VIT will notify the applicant and provide written reasons for this decision.
Appeals can be made by applying to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for review of VIT’s decision to refuse the teacher’s initial application for registration or renewal of registration provided that it is not an appeal against a decision to refuse registration because the person has been found guilty of a Category A offence or has been given a Working with Children (WWC) exclusion (previously known as a negative notice) by Working with Children Check Victoria (WWCCV).
Last updated: 18 Sep 2024