Due to recent reforms in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) accreditation, VIT will only accept new applications for ITE accreditation that incorporate the reforms outlined in the AITSL: Addendum - Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures. Further information can be provided by contacting VIT’s Accreditation team.
Any new potential ITE provider should contact VIT’s Accreditation team prior to commencing program development.
The VIT accreditation process adheres to a nationally-agreed approach to accreditation, endorsed by the Education Council in 2015.
The process ensures all initial teacher education (ITE) programs meet the Australian standards outlined in the Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures (AITSL). These standards are designed to ensure all graduates of ITE programs have the knowledge, skills and experience to make a positive impact on student learning.
Initial teacher education (ITE) program accreditation
Teacher regulatory authorities in each state or territory accredit ITE programs by convening independent accreditation panels composed of trained panellists. The VIT’s Accreditation team supports the panels and provides guidance in relation to the Australian standards and specific jurisdictional overlays, for example the Victorian Selection Framework.
Once the accreditation panel determines the program meets the national standards, the program is presented to the VIT Accreditation Committee for approval. Program approval is granted for a period of up to five (5) years.
Standards for accreditation of programs
The Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures (AITSL) outlines the requirements that a program must meet to be accredited.
Further guidance is provided in the Guidelines for the accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia.
Combined early childhood / primary program accreditation
ITE providers offering combined early childhood / primary programs are required to obtain program approval from both VIT and the Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), with VIT accrediting the primary component of the program and ACECQA assessing the early childhood component.
Visit the ACECQA website to find a list of approved programs that will enable an applicant to work in an early childhood setting, or see VIT's accredited programs list for programs that will enable an applicant to work in a school setting.
How providers can get their ITE courses accredited
Providers who wish to have their ITE courses accredited by VIT should contact us. They will be set up with a Provider portal account, where they can then apply for course accreditation and update details on existing programs.
Check out our FAQs page to find out more about how to use the Provider portal.
Click here for a video on how to manage applications in the Provider portal.
Victorian Selection Framework
The VIT, the Department of Education (DE) alongside all Victorian ITE providers have collaborated to develop the Victorian Selection Framework (VSF), requiring higher education providers to use clear, transparent and evidence-based selection criteria for entry into ITE.
Approved Pathway Programs into initial teacher education programs
Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, the VIT is responsible for approving Pathway Programs into initial teacher education (ITE) programs.
To obtain VIT approval, the Pathway Program must first meet a broad range of criteria and standards to support prospective teachers who have yet to demonstrate the academic and non-academic attributes for direct entry into ITE. These standards are designed to support quality candidates from diverse backgrounds, with a strong disposition to teach, to successfully pathway into an ITE program.
Undertaking a VIT-approved Pathway Program will ensure the selection requirements for students entering an ITE program are aligned with the intent of the Victorian Selection Framework and the entry requirements outlined in the national ITE accreditation standards.
VIT-approved Pathway Programs support students to demonstrate the required academic skills and personal attributes to successfully enter an ITE program, as well as maintain success throughout the program.
A VIT approved Pathway Program into ITE has been recognised to appropriately prepare for the entry into any Victorian accredited ITE program.
Pathway Programs that have been approved by VIT will bear the VIT-approved Pathway Program logo and be listed on the Approved Pathway Programs into ITE list. The logo verifies that a Pathway Program has undergone a rigorous approval process and met the required standards.
Who can seek approval of a Pathway Program?
Approval is required by any higher education provider or registered training organisation (RTO) who identifies and markets a program as an entry pathway into ITE. Further detail about the Pathway Programs requiring approval can be found in the Framework.
The VIT does not approve Pathway Programs into early childhood qualifications.
Process for approval
Providers must submit a program to VIT for approval and are required to provide evidence that demonstrates the program meets all criteria as outlined in the Framework.
The evidence is assessed by the VIT’s Accreditation team and approved by VIT’s Accreditation Committee. Approval lasts for up to five years.
For providers seeking approval of a pathway program, please contact your Accreditation Co-case Managers or email accreditation@vit.vic.edu.au.
Continuing education program endorsement
The VIT recently developed criteria for the endorsement of continuing education programs. As part of this, a limited number of pilot programs have been endorsed. The VIT intends to publish the Framework for the endorsement of continuing education programs and begin accepting programs for endorsement from late 2024. No new applications for program endorsement are being accepted until further notice.
It is not mandatory for education providers to seek endorsement for continuing education programs. Continuing education programs do not need to be endorsed for teachers to use the program as part of their renewal of registration requirements. The VIT will prioritise the endorsement of programs based on state or national initiatives and areas of identified needs.
Visit the Continuing education for teachers page to find a current list of endorsed continuing education programs.
Last updated: 15 Jul 2024