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Individuals wishing to undertake the duties of a teacher in Victoria are required to have attained relevant qualifications to become registered. 

Those who wish to teach in a school setting must hold an approved initial teacher education (ITE) qualification or equivalent.

Qualifications Policy

Check out VIT’s Qualifications Policy to find out more.

Those who wish to teach in an early childhood setting must hold an early childhood education qualification approved or recognised by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). 

ITE programs, early childhood education programs and combined programs are offered by higher education providers across the country. All ITE programs offered in Victoria are accredited by VIT.

Initial teacher education (ITE) programs

The VIT is responsible for the accreditation of ITE programs in Victoria. Successfully completing one of these programs will enable graduates to apply for teacher registration with VIT.

ITE programs are offered by the following providers in Victoria

  • Australian Catholic University
  • Deakin University
  • Eastern College Australia
  • Federation University Australia
  • Holmesglen Institute
  • La Trobe University
  • Melbourne Polytechnic  
  • Monash University
  • RMIT University
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • The University of Melbourne
  • Victoria University

A list of all accredited ITE programs delivered throughout Australia can be found on the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) website.

The VIT has been supporting continued innovation in ITE in Victoria and has accredited a number of Internship ITE programs. Internship programs enable pre-service teachers to ‘earn while they learn’ by working at a school whilst completing their studies. Many of these programs can be completed in an accelerated mode. View a summary of the current internship ITE programs structure.

View the current list of VIT accredited ITE programs

Teach out programs

The following list includes ITE programs that have been accredited by VIT, but are no longer accepting new enrolments.

Institution  Program  Location Type Specialisation 
Australian Catholic University Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Ballarat, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Strathfield Undergraduate Early Childhood and Primary
Australian Catholic University Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Science Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne Undergraduate Secondary
Australian Catholic University Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics) Canberra, Brisbane, Strathfield Undergraduate Secondary
Australian Catholic University Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts (Technology) Strathfield Undergraduate Secondary
Australian Catholic University Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) Stratfield, Melbourne Undergraduate Secondary
Australian Catholic University Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Exercise Science Brisbane, Melbourne Undergraduate Secondary
Australian Catholic University Master of Teaching (Primary) Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Strathfield Postgraduate Primary
Australian Catholic University Master of Teaching (Secondary) Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Strathfield Postgraduate Secondary
Australian Catholic University Master of Teaching Primary / Graduate Certificate of Religious Education Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Strathfield Postgraduate Primary
Australian Catholic University Master of Teaching (Secondary) / Graduate Certificate of Religious Education Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Strathfield Postgraduate Secondary
Deakin University Bachelor of Arts / Master of Teaching (Secondary) Burwood Postgraduate Secondary
Deakin University Bachelor of Education (Early Years) Burwood, Online, Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool Undergraduate Early Childhood and Primary
Deakin University Bachelor of Education (Primary) Burwood, Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool Undergraduate Primary
Deakin University Bachelor of Health and Physical Education Burwood, Waurn Ponds Undergraduate Secondary
Deakin University Master of Applied Learning and Teaching (Secondary) Online Postgraduate Secondary
Deakin University Master of Teaching (Primary and Early Childhood) Burwood, Online Postgraduate Early Childhood and Primary
Deakin University Master of Teaching (Primary) Burwood, Online Postgraduate Primary
Deakin University Master of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) Burwood, Online Postgraduate Primary & Secondary
Deakin University Master of Teaching (Secondary) Burwood, Online Postgraduate Secondary
Deakin University Bachelor of Early Childhood Education  Burwood, Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool, Online Undergraduate Early Childhood/Primary
Deakin University Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/ Bachelor of Arts Burwood, Waurn Ponds Undergraduate Secondary
Deakin University Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/ Bachelor of Science Burwood Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education  Mount Helen, Gippsland Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Community and Human Services/Bachelor of Education  Mount Helen Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Education (Birth – Year 6)  Mount Helen, Gippsland, Horsham, Gippsland Undergraduate Early Childhood/Primary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Education (P-10) Mount Helen, Gippsland, Online Undergraduate Primary/Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Education (Primary F-6) Mount Helen Undergraduate Primary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Education (Primary and Secondary P-10)  Mount Helen, Churchill, Online Undergraduate Primary/Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Health and Physical Education Mount Helen, Gippsland Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Health and Physical Education /Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Education Mount Helen, Gippsland Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences/Bachelor of Education  Mount Helen, Gippsland Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education Mount Helen, Gippsland Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education  Mount Helen Undergraduate Secondary
Federation University Australia Master of Teaching (Primary)  Mount Helen, Online, Berwick Postgraduate Primary
Federation University Australia Master of Teaching (Secondary)  Mount Helen, Berwick, Online Postgraduate Secondary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education Bendigo, Shepparton Undergraduate Early Childhood/Primary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Education  Bendigo, Mildura Undergraduate Primary/Secondary option
La Trobe University Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood/Primary) Albury- Wodonga, Bundoora, Bendigo, Shepparton, Mildura Undergraduate Early childhood/Primary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bendigo, Bundoora, Mildura Undergraduate Primary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Bendigo, Bundoora, Mildura Undergraduate Secondary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Teaching (Outreach and Community Education) Bundoora Undergraduate Primary/Secondary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)  Bundoora Undergraduate Primary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) Bundoora Undergraduate Secondary
La Trobe University Bachelor of Technology Education Bendigo, Bundoora Undergraduate Secondary
La Trobe University Master of Teaching (Primary)  Albury- Wodonga, Bundoora, Bendigo Postgraduate Primary
La Trobe University Master of Teaching (Secondary)  Albury- Wodonga, Bundoora, Bendigo Postgraduate Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years and Primary Education Peninsula Undergraduate Early childhood/Primary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Inclusive Education  Clayton Undergraduate Primary/Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Education  Clayton Undergraduate Primary/Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education  Clayton, Peninsula Undergraduate Primary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Fine Art Clayton, Peninsula Undergraduate Primary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Business Clayton, Peninsula Undergraduate Primary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education/Bachelor of Science  Clayton, Peninsula Undergraduate Primary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Arts Clayton Undergraduate Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Business Clayton Undergraduate Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education / Bachelor of Music Clayton Undergraduate Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Science Clayton Undergraduate Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Visual Arts Clayton Undergraduate Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Arts Clayton, Peninsula Undergraduate Primary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education Peninsula Undergraduate Primary, Secondary
Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Health and Physical Education Peninsula Undergraduate Secondary
Monash University Master of Teaching in Early Years and Primary Education Clayton Postgraduate Early Childhood/Primary
Monash University Master of Teaching in Primary Education Clayton Postgraduate Primary
Monash University Master of Teaching in Primary and Secondary Education Clayton Postgraduate Primary, Secondary
Monash University Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Clayton Postgraduate Secondary
RMIT University Bachelor of Education (Primary Education and Disability Studies) Bundoora West Undergraduate Primary
RMIT University Bachelor of Education (Primary and Early Childhood Education)  Bundoora West Undergraduate Early Childhood/Primary
RMIT University Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) Bundoora West, Brunswick Undergraduate Primary
Swinburne University Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Hawthorn Undergraduate Secondary
Swinburne University Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts Hawthorn Undergraduate Secondary
Swinburne University Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Business Hawthorn Undergraduate Secondary
Swinburne University Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science Hawthorn Undergraduate Secondary
Swinburne University Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) Hawthorn, Online, Wantirna Undergraduate Early Childhood/Primary
Swinburne University Master of Teaching (Primary) Hawthorn, Online Postgraduate Primary
Swinburne University Master of Teaching (Secondary) Hawthorn Postgraduate Secondary
University of Melbourne Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) Parkville Postgraduate Early Childhood/Primary
University of Melbourne Master of Teaching (Primary) Parkville Postgraduate Primary
University of Melbourne Master of Teaching (Secondary) Parkville Postgraduate Secondary
University of Melbourne Master of Teaching (Secondary) Internship Parkville and School based Postgraduate Secondary
Victoria University Master of Teaching (Primary Education) Footscray Nicholson Postgraduate Primary
Victoria University Master of Teaching (Secondary Education) Footscray Nicholson Postgraduate Secondary

Victoria University

Bachelor of Education P-12 Footscray Park Undergraduate Primary, Secondary

Please note, some of the programs in this list have been re-accredited under the same program title.

Approved Pathway Programs into initial teacher education programs

Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, the VIT is responsible for approving Pathway Programs into initial teacher education (ITE) programs. 

To obtain VIT approval, the Pathway Program must first meet a broad range of criteria and standards to support prospective teachers who have yet to demonstrate the academic and non-academic attributes for direct entry into ITE. These standards are designed to support quality candidates from diverse backgrounds, with a strong disposition to teach, to successfully pathway into an ITE program. 

Undertaking a VIT-approved Pathway Program will ensure the selection requirements for students entering an ITE program are aligned with the intent of the Victorian Selection Framework and the entry requirements outlined in the national ITE accreditation standards.

VIT-approved Pathway Programs support students to demonstrate the required academic skills and personal attributes to successfully enter an ITE program, as well as maintain success throughout the program.


A VIT approved Pathway Program into ITE has been recognised to appropriately prepare for the entry into any Victorian accredited ITE program.

Higher education providers or registered training organisations (RTO) who identify and market their program as an entry pathway into ITE must be VIT-approved. 

Pathway Programs that have been approved by VIT will bear the VIT-approved Pathway Program logo, verifying that the Pathway Program has undergone a rigorous approval process and met the required standards. Approved Pathway Programs into ITE are listed below.

Approved Pathway Programs into ITE
Institution Program Location
Australian Catholic University  Bachelor of Educational Studies Ballarat, Blacktown, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, North Sydney, Strathfield
Australian Catholic University Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary Preparation) Ballarat, Blacktown, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, North Sydney, Strathfield
Deakin University Associate Degree of Education Burwood, Waurn Ponds & Warrnambool
Federation University Australia Bachelor of Education Studies Ballarat-Mt Helen, Berwick, Gippsland-Churchill
Federation University Australia    Bachelor of Sport, Physical and Outdoor Education Ballarat-Mt Helen, Berwick, Gippsland-Churchill
La Trobe University Associate Degree of Teacher Education Melbourne, Albury-Wodonga, Bendigo, Mildura, Shepparton
La Trobe University Diploma of Teacher Education Melbourne, Albury-Wodonga, Bendigo, Mildura, Shepparton
Melbourne Polytechnic Associate Degree of Early Years Studies Preston
Melbourne Rudolph Steiner Seminar Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education Warranwood, Online
Monash College Diploma of Arts (Education)
Diploma of Business (Business Education)
Diploma of Science (Education)
Monash University Diploma of Higher Education Clayton
Monash University Diploma of Tertiary Studies Peninsula
RMIT College of Vocational Education Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation Melbourne
Swinburne University of Technology Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation Hawthorn
Victoria University Bachelor of Education Studies Footscray Park, Werribee
Victoria University Diploma of Education Studies Footscray, Werribee, Online
Victoria University  Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation Footscray Park


Last updated: 28 Mar 2024

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