Teachers who hold either provisional or full registration can apply to become non-practising if they are not currently teaching.
Reasons for holding non-practising registration could include
- unable to meet the professional practice requirements for maintaining current registration
- unable to meet the requirements to move to full registration
- taking a break from the profession.
Teachers with non-practising registration will be required to maintain their continued suitability and fitness to teach and will continue to be exempt from requiring a Working with Children (WWC) clearance (previously known as a Working With Children Check or WWCC).
However, they will not be permitted to teach or be employed or engaged as a registered teacher in any Victorian school or early childhood service.
Please note that it is an offence to teach in Victoria without registration.
If you are working as an educational leader in a non-school or early childhood setting, you are encouraged to apply for non-practising registration.
Visit the Recency of practice page to find out more.
Registration obligations and how to apply
If a teacher holds full or provisional registration, they can apply to become non-practising at any time* and monitor the status of their application through their MyVIT account by navigating to the 'Manage registration' tile and selecting 'Apply for non-practising'. Their name will continue to appear on the Register of teachers.
*During the annual registration period (mid-August to 31 December) teachers can only apply for non-practising registration when they complete their annual registration tasks.
Non-practising teachers cannot teach in any Victorian primary, secondary or special school, or be employed/engaged as a registered early childhood teacher in a Victorian education and care service or a Victorian children’s service.
Teachers may continue to use their non-practising registration in lieu of a Working with Children (WWC) clearance (previously known as a Working with Children Check or WWCC).
Teachers who hold non-practising registration can return to teaching at any time by completing an application to return to teaching via their MyVIT account.
Visit the Returning to teaching from non-practising registration page to find out more.
Click here for some helpful videos, including information about why you may want non-practising registration and what happens if you retire from the profession.
Ceasing your registration
If you do not wish to maintain your registration or apply for non-practising registration, you can log into your MyVIT account and complete a cessation of registration form. You will be given the option to choose what date you wish you cease your registration (up to 31 December), and you will continue to receive VIT communications and be able to teach until that date.
Once you cease your registration, you will be unable to undertake the duties of a teacher. If you wish to teach again, you will need to log into your MyVIT account, submit a new application for registration and fulfil all current registration requirements. Please note: fully registered teachers who cease their registration for more than 5 years and wish to re-register as a teacher, may only be eligible to apply for provisional registration.
You can also find more about ceasing registration on the FAQs page.
Ongoing obligations
All teachers, regardless of their registration category, are required to meet certain obligations in order to maintain their registration.
For those with non-practising registration, these include
- completing the annual registration process by 30 September each year, which includes
- making suitability declarations about their ongoing fitness to teach
- paying an annual registration fee
- consenting to VIT running a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) every five (5) years
- maintaining their details with VIT, including confirming/updating their name, contact and employment details.
Visit the Maintain my registration page to find out more.
Read our non-practising FAQs for more information.
Last updated: 16 Aug 2023