When a teacher undertakes the annual registration process, they will make legally binding self-declarations about their recency of practice, maintenance of their professional learning, and continuing suitability and fitness to teach.
To ensure consistency and compliance with legislation, VIT selects a number of teachers to verify their self-declarations each year.
How audits work
When a teacher is selected for an audit, they will receive an email from VIT containing instructions on how to provide audit evidence.
Teachers will be asked to provide information to support their declarations, including information about
- days teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership, and
- hours of professional learning activities that contribute to their knowledge about pedagogy content and/or practice and reference the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the expiry of the teacher’s registration and removal of their name from the Register of teachers. If a teacher’s name is removed from the Register of teachers, they will not be eligible to undertake the duties of a teacher or early childhood teacher – including casual relief teaching – in any Victorian school or early childhood service.
Documenting and providing evidence
In most cases, teachers are only required to provide evidence of professional practice and/or professional learning when they apply for registration, if they are returning from non-practising registration or if they have been selected to be audited.
Professional learning activities are to be entered via the ‘MyPD’ tile of the teacher’s MyVIT account.
MyPD ensures the relevant professional learning details are captured, covering
- the dates, duration and type of professional learning
- which Australian Professional Standard(s) for Teachers (APST) link to the professional learning activity
- what was learnt from the activity and how it will be applied to teaching practice to improve learning outcomes.
Visit the Teacher resources page to find out how to log professional learning activities in MyPD.
Evidence of days teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership can be provided in the following formats
- pay slips including role, employer name, hours / days of work and pay period;
- statement(s) of service including role, employer name, dates of employment; or
- letter(s) on official employer letterhead outlining employment dates, role, and numbers of days / hours worked.
Multiple documents may be required for those who work in a number of contexts or across a number of schools and/or early childhood services such as casual relief teachers (CRTs).
Please note that group certificates and bank statements do not contain the required information and are not accepted as evidence of professional practice.
Evidence of equivalent practice must also be supported by evidence of the approved school curriculum or early childhood framework being delivered, and how role relates to the APST.
Evidence of educational leadership must also be supported by evidence of how your role relates to the APST.
Please note that group certificates are not accepted as evidence of professional practice.
Employer involvement in audits
A teacher may request their principal or early childhood leader to provide a signed letter or statement of service on official letterhead confirming their declarations of teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership.
Teachers who undertake casual relief teaching through an agency may also request a signed letter or statement of service on official letterhead from the agency.
Last updated: 04 Apr 2024