Once an application is approved, a registration card is issued to the teacher within 20 business days.
Registration cards contain information about a teacher's current registration. This includes the registration category, expiry and any conditions they may have on their registration.
Registered teachers don’t need a card to prove their registration. Employers can be satisfied that if their name appears on the Register of teachers, then they hold valid VIT registration.
If required, teachers can order replacement cards via their MyVIT account.
Card expiry
The expiry date listed on most registration cards is the deadline for the next annual registration period, which occurs on 30 September each year.
The initial registration fee paid by provisionally registered teachers (PRTs) and holders of permission to teach (PTT) is pro-rated, covering their registration from the commencement date of their provisional registration until the next 30 September annual registration deadline.
The expiry date listed on their registration card will also reflect this date or 30 September (whichever is sooner). PRTs and PTT holders are expected to complete annual registration tasks and pay the annual fee applicable to their registration category by 30 September each year, at which time a new registration card will be issued.
Some teachers may have conditions placed on their registration. Conditions may be noted on their registration card, and may also appear in the Employer portal and the Register of teachers.
Conditions are usually placed on a teacher’s registration for a period of 6-12 months, with documentation required to meet the condition. When a registration card states ‘This registration has conditions’, it can relate to conditions imposed on a teacher’s registration, or imposed through a voluntary agreement with the teacher, which may relate to concerns about health or conduct.
Please note VIT is unable to provide specific details of any condition(s) on any individual’s registration. All queries relating to any condition(s) on a particular teacher’s registration should be directed to that individual.
Last updated: 08 Aug 2024