All teachers, regardless of their registration category, are required to maintain their registration by
- completing the annual registration process by 30 September each year and paying their annual registration fee
- consenting to VIT running a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) every five (5) years
- cooperating with registration audits
- maintaining their details with VIT, including confirming/updating their name, contact and employment details, and
- remaining suitable to teach.
There are a number of ways employers can assist VIT to regulate the teaching profession.
Employers’ obligations
As ‘co-regulators’ of the teaching profession, employers are required to ensure their teachers hold valid teacher registration. They can do this by
- confirming their registration status with VIT
- monitoring provisional registration and permission to teach expiry dates, and
- maintaining an ‘all teachers’ list via the Employer portal.
Visit the Employers’ obligations page to find out more.
It is also essential that employers understand the conduct and suitability requirements that teachers must adhere to, as well as their role in ensuring their teachers adhere with these standards. This includes understanding
- employers’ obligation to report teacher conduct matters to VIT and how to do so, and
- VIT’s process for investigating notifications or complaints against a teacher.
Visit the Teacher conduct and suitability page to find out more.
Maintaining my teachers’ registration
Employers can assist their teachers maintain their registration by
- reminding teachers about their annual registration obligations
- supporting provisionally registered teachers to obtain full registration
- initiating permission to teach grants, and
- assisting teachers to validate claims in respect to days teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership if they are audited.
Visit the Support my teachers’ registration page to find out more.
Employer resources
Find out what resources are available to employers, such as guides, forms and templates, how to use the employer portal and more.
Last updated: 26 May 2022