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Registration Helper logo Registration Helper What registration do I need?

All teachers, regardless of their registration category, are required to maintain their registration by

This includes teachers with non-practising registration.

Maintaining contact, employment and other details

Under legislation, teachers are required to notify VIT within 30 days about any changes to their contact or employment details. This includes

  • the name of any school or early childhood service where they are employed
  • any changes to their contact details, and
  • any change of name, accompanied by official evidence of name change (such as a marriage certificate or deed poll - visit the Proof of identity page for a list of accepted documentation).

These changes can be made via the ‘My details’ tile in the teacher’s MyVIT account.

Icon Important Info

If you have changed your place of employment, ensure you notify VIT if your email address has also changed.

Teachers must also notify VIT within 30 days if they have been committed for trial, found guilty or convicted of

  • a Category A offence
  • a Category B offence
  • an indictable offence, or
  • an unlawful assault or aggravated assault.

Visit the Teacher conduct and suitability page to find out more.

Annual registration

All registered teachers are required to participate in the annual registration process by 30 September each year in order to maintain their registration. This process applies to all registration categories.

The annual registration process is completed via the teacher’s MyVIT account. The requirements for renewing a teacher’s registration differ depending on the type of registration they currently hold.

Visit the Annual registration page for more information.


Provisionally registered teachers who are moving to full registration are required to provide evidence of both professional practice and professional learning as part of VIT’s Inquiry process. Visit the Moving to full registration page to find out more.


When a teacher applies to renew their registration, they make legally binding self-declarations about the maintenance of their professional practice as well as their continuing suitability and fitness to teach. 

To ensure the integrity of this process, VIT conducts audits which require teachers to verify declarations made in their annual registration application.

Visit the Audits page to find out more.

What happens if I don’t meet my obligations?

While some exceptions exist, it is expected that teachers who cannot meet their recency of practice and/or professional learning obligations should apply for non-practising registration.

Once they have moved to non-practising registration, the teacher will not be permitted to work as a teacher in any school or early childhood setting until they return to teaching from non-practising registration.

If a teacher does not complete their annual registration tasks and make payment by 30 September each year, a late fee is applied and they are given a three-month grace period until 31 December. If they do not complete their annual registration tasks by 31 December, their registration may be expired or suspended and they will be removed from the Register of teachers.

Visit the Annual registration page to find out more.

Last updated: 11 Dec 2023

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