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It is essential that employers understand that teachers must remain suitable to teach in order to maintain their registration. Employers play an important role in helping to maintain these standards. This includes understanding

  • employers’ obligation to report teacher conduct matters to VIT and how to do so, and
  • what happens if a notification or complaint is made about one of their teachers.

What do employers need to report to VIT?

Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic), an employer of a registered teacher must notify VIT

  1. if the employer has taken any action against the registered teacher in response to allegations
    • of serious incompetence of the registered teacher
    • of serious misconduct of the registered teacher
    • that the registered teacher is unfit to be a teacher
    • that the registered teacher's ability to practise as a teacher is seriously detrimentally affected or likely to be seriously detrimentally affected because of an impairment
  2. of any other actions against the registered teacher that may be relevant to the teacher's fitness to teach, and
  3. If the employer becomes aware that the registered teacher
    • is currently charged with, or convicted or found guilty of, a Category A offence or a Category B offence, or
    • has been given a Working with Children (WWC) exclusion (previously known as a negative notice).

Check out the Glossary page for a list of definitions.

The employer of a teacher must provide VIT with any information VIT may reasonably require to conduct an investigation.

What should I do if one of my teachers is being assessed or investigated by VIT?

The VIT may receive complaints about a teacher from members of the community, including parents, students, a registered teacher’s colleagues, and other members of the public.

The VIT may also receive information about a teacher’s suitability from other sources such as Victoria Police, The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP), Working with Children Victoria (WWCV), the teacher’s employer or a member of the public.

The VIT must conduct a preliminary assessment of all complaints and notifications it receives about registered teachers.

The VIT may also go onto investigate some of the complaints and notifications it receives if they relate to allegations against a teacher

  • of misconduct or serious misconduct
  • of serious incompetence
  • of lack of fitness, or
  • that their ability to teach is seriously detrimentally affected, or likely to be seriously detrimentally affected, by an impairment.

During a preliminary assessment or investigation, VIT may request a current or former employer of the teacher to provide relevant information and documentation that will help VIT make an informed decision. It is important that employers comply with these requests and assist in maintaining the standards and reputation of the teaching profession.

Visit the following pages to find out more.

Last updated: 15 Aug 2023

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