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Under s2.6.3 of the Education and Training Reform Act (2006) (the Act), the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) must develop, maintain and promote a Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics for the teaching profession.

The Codes apply to everyone currently registered with VIT, regardless of whether they are currently working as a teacher.


The Victorian Teaching Profession’s Codes of Conduct and Ethics were last updated in May 2021.

About the Codes of Conduct and Ethics

The Victorian Teaching Profession’s Codes of Conduct and Ethics are public statements developed for and by the teaching profession to

  • reflect shared principles about practice, conduct and ethics to be applied to promote the highest standards of professional practice
  • enable registered teachers to reflect on their ethical decisions
  • establish the quality of behaviour that reflects the expectations of the profession and the community, and
  • provide a clear statement to the community about these expectations.

​​​​​​The Code of Conduct supports all teachers to understand the expectations of the teaching profession and the community in relation to their professional conduct, personal conduct and professional competence.

The VIT has an overarching function of providing for child safety and wellbeing, and this underpins the principles set out in the Code of Conduct.

As part of a registered profession and a profession of high public trust and accountability, teachers must be aware of and reflect the expectations and standards expected of them – the Code of Conduct can assist teachers to guide their professional and personal conduct.

Read the Codes

Download a copy of the Codes via the link below.

Related resources

As co-regulators of the teaching profession, employers are required to ensure their staff are familiar and working with the Code.

Employers are encouraged to facilitate a refresher workshop for existing staff each year, and an induction workshop for new staff upon employment.

To support employers and educational leaders, VIT has developed a suite of materials to assist their staff in engaging with the Code.

Educational leader supporting material

To best explore the Code with staff, VIT recommends employers run a one-hour workshop using this educational leader support pack. It includes

  • the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct
  • the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Ethics 
  • a PowerPoint presentation and guiding notes to facilitate the workshop
  • case studies to explore in the workshop (you may wish to focus only on those of most relevance to your education setting).

VIT will continue to deliver webinars designed to support all registered teachers and educational leaders in understanding the key changes to the Code, and help reflect on their personal and professional conduct to ensure it is aligned with the expectations of the Code.

These webinars will explore

  • key revisions to the Code
  • online conduct and social media in the contemporary teaching context
  • using the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct to guide professional conduct and practice
  • maintaining professionalism in a digital environment
  • maintaining professional boundaries, and 
  • where to find further resources.

Find out more about upcoming webinars on the events page. 

Other resources

You may want to use our hypothetical case study videos to stimulate discussion about what is considered appropriate professional and personal conduct for teachers, as well as appropriate strategies to prevent inappropriate conduct.

We also have a number of podcasts featuring discussions with a VIT lawyer about topics such as professional boundaries with learners, personal conduct and more.

Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Codes can be found on the FAQs page.

Last updated: 29 May 2024

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