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How does The Victorian Teaching Profession Code of Conduct relate to the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics?

Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics is a set of statements about appropriate and expected behaviour of early childhood professionals. It reflects current pedagogical research and practice, and provides a framework for reflection about the ethical responsibilities of early childhood professionals.

The Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct has been developed for and by the Victorian teaching profession; it identifies a set of principles, which describe the professional conduct, personal conduct and professional competence expected of a teacher by their colleagues and their community.

There are overlaps between the two codes in professional conduct and professional competence. These documents are complementary, and an early childhood teacher should conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with both codes.

The Victorian Teaching Profession Code of Conduct applies to all teachers and early childhood teachers registered with VIT.

Who does the Code apply to?

The Code applies to anyone registered as a teacher / early childhood teacher in Victoria. This includes teachers who hold provisional registration, full registration, dual registration, permission to teach and non-practising registration.

The Code applies equally to all registered teachers / early childhood teachers, regardless of their position in the workplace, including classroom teachers, those in leadership positions (such as principals) and those who undertake the duties of a teacher in other settings (such as a hospital or zoo).

The Code applies to all registered teachers / early childhood teachers regardless of whether they currently undertaking the duties of a teacher. For example, the Codes still applies to registered teachers who are working in a different industry.

What is the Code used for?

The Code is used by teachers to guide their professional and personal conduct and assist them to solve ethical dilemmas.

The VIT may use the Code to assist in determining if a teacher has engaged in misconduct, serious misconduct or whether there is a question regarding a teacher’s fitness to teach. If there has been a considerable departure from the Code, VIT may take regulatory action (such as suspending a teacher’s registration).

The VIT will always consider individual circumstances and the context in which the conduct occurred. Any regulatory measures should always be viewed within the context of what is considered necessary to protect the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

When will the revised Code come into effect?

The revised Code will be introduced to the teaching profession in Term 2 2021 and will come into effect in Term 3 2021.

What professional learning can teachers undertake regarding the Code?

The VIT has developed a number of resources including support packs, case study videos and podcasts that explore the Code. Engaging with these resources and responding to the reflective questions provided (or by writing your own reflection) can be considered professional learning for the purposes of renewal of registration.

The VIT delivers webinars on the Code. Teachers and employers can find details on how to book into these sessions here.

Why is the Code important to teachers?

The Code is an important tool for all teachers to understand the expectations of the teaching profession and the community in relation to their professional conduct, personal conduct and professional competence.

As part of a registered profession and a profession of high public trust and accountability, teachers must be aware of, and reflect, the expectations and standards required of them; the Code can assist teachers to guide their professional and personal conduct.

Why doesn’t the Code include reference to the responsibilities of parents / carers / students?

Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, VIT only has jurisdiction to regulate registered teachers / early childhood teachers.

Why doesn’t the Code direct employers to provide support / specific working conditions for teachers?

The VIT’s regulatory functions are outlined in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and do not include oversight of employment matters.

If teachers have any issues relating to specific employment matters, they should speak to their employer and / or union.

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