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Online child safety - ThinkUKnow program

Support for teaching young learners about online safety

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Please note, the following article contains sensitive content relating to child sexual exploitation.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) ThinkUKnow program is offering all registered teachers the opportunity to engage with subject matter experts regarding the prevention of online child sexual exploitation.

The ThinkUKnow program is an initiative aimed at raising awareness and delivering education to prevent online child sexual exploitation. 

Members of the AFP's Online Child Safety team (OCSTT) are hosting a webinar on Thursday 21 March 2024 to provide teachers with an opportunity to learn about and use the AFPs ThinkUKnow resources, as well as discuss emerging trends and gain advice on how they can best support learning in the classroom to navigate online challenges. 

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Jack Changes the Game: Teaching young children about online safety in the classroom

4:30pm - 6pm, Thursday 21 March

Using technology is second nature to many 5 to 8 year-olds. With children spending more time online, how do we teach them the difference between in-person and online friends and the importance of help seeking behaviour?

This webinar will focus on the children’s book, Jack Changes the Game and associated classroom resources. Developed by the AFP and ACCCE, and written by notable children’s author Tess Rowley, Jack Changes the Game takes a child’s perspective to online grooming, the challenges faced online and why it is important to talk to a trusted adult if they encounter any problems.

This presentation is intended for classroom teachers of students aged 4 - 8, and supporting school staff only. It discusses themes of online child sexual exploitation and is not suitable for children.

Please note: you are required to register using your professional email (.edu or equivalent) in order to manage attendees as the subject matter can be distressing, especially when not heard in context. Attendees who dial in with a personal email or an email different to the one they registered with may not be admitted into the webinar as part of our risk management process.

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