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What does VIT do?

The VIT is an independent statutory authority that regulates the teaching profession to ensure quality teaching and to provide for the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. 

All teachers must be registered with VIT in order to undertake the duties of a teacher in a Victorian school or early childhood setting. Many professions, such as doctors, nurses, psychologists and lawyers, have similar registration requirements (such as required qualifications, a period of provisional registration, renewal requirements and adherence to professional standards).

Quick links: why is registration important; legislation and governance

What we do

The VIT provides a wide range of statutory functions that are mandated by legislation, and these functions extend well beyond registering teachers to ensure only qualified and suitable persons are eligible to work in Victorian schools and early childhood services. 

Although VIT reports to the Minister for Education, it is not part of the Department of Education and Training and does not receive any direct government funding.

The VIT approves and accredits initial teacher education programs that prepare early career teachers for working in Victoria, and supports beginner teachers to enter the profession and develop their practice through professional standards.  
The VIT also investigates instances of misconduct, incompetence or lack of fitness to teach.    
The VIT recognises the high professional and ethical standards of registered teachers and early childhood teachers as well as principals and early childhood educational leaders in Victoria. These professionals support children and young people, and have a huge impact in shaping their lives.

As a regulator, VIT has an important responsibility to respond to growing community expectations while ensuring the teaching profession is respected for its crucial role in delivering excellence in education. The VIT is committed to educating teachers and the community about teaching quality by showcasing best teaching practice.

All of this work is completed on a cost recovery basis, with VIT’s operational costs funded through revenue from teacher registration fees.  

The VIT regularly receives requests for advice from teachers and the general public on matters relating to teacher registration or conduct, and we’re glad to assist. Most of the answers to common questions can be found on our frequently asked questions pages. We regularly update the content, so it's a great place to start your query. 

We also receive questions about employment issues or curriculum matters, requests for professional development or services that you might expect from an industrial advocate or membership organisation. Unfortunately, these aren’t matters we’re able to assist you with.

Why is registration important?

Being registered helps maintain professional status, standing and public confidence in the teaching profession, particularly in the suitability of teachers to work with children. Find out more by watching the video below.

Legislation and governance

The VIT undertakes is functions in accordance with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. In performing its functions, the VIT must take into consideration quality teaching and providing for the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.  
The VIT is governed by a Council that made up of representatives of key stakeholder groups such as teachers, early childhood teachers, parents, teacher employers, the Victorian Council of the Deans of Education and education unions. Members are appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Education. The Secretary of the Department of Education and Training (or nominee) also sits on the Council.

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