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The following scenarios have been developed to assist members of the community (parents, students/learners) in understanding who to report to regarding the conduct of a registered teacher*, school or early childhood (EC) service, and which organisations are involved following a report.

There may be circumstances where a complaint lodged with one organisation discloses an issue that also falls within the remit of another organisation. In cases such as this, the original recipient may contact the complainant as required to seek consent to forward their complaint to the related organisation for its independent consideration.

It is also noted that through established information sharing provisions and memorandums of understanding, co-regulators are able (and in some circumstances, required) to notify each other of certain conduct issues.

* If a scenario applies to any person employed in a school or EC service who is not a registered teacher, the stated reporting guidelines apply (except VIT).

Conduct concerns about teachers within a school setting

Criminal behaviour scenario (non-sexual)

I have a concern that a registered teacher* in a Victorian school has used physical violence against a learner (including behaviour outside the education setting).

For example, a registered teacher*

  • deliberately hit, punched or used excessive force when restraining a learner, which caused the learner physical or mental injury.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to criminal offences and should be reported to the school and Victoria Police. They can also be reported to CCYP, VIT and VRQA.

Criminal behaviour (sexual)

I have a concern that a registered teacher* in a Victorian school engaged in sexualised behaviour against a learner (including behaviour outside the education setting).

For example, a registered teacher*

  • sent inappropriate messages or images to a learner by email, text or another form of electronic messaging
  • deliberately touched a learner in a sexual manner, and/or
  • committed a sexual offence against a learner.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to criminal offences and should be reported to the school and Victoria Police. They can also be reported to CCYP, VIT and VRQA.

Inappropriate conduct

I have a concern that a registered teacher* in a Victorian school has demonstrated inappropriate (but not sexual or physically violent) behaviour towards a learner (including behaviour outside the education setting).

For example, a registered teacher*

  • used offensive language in class, which caused a learner to feel uncomfortable
  • used a racist/derogatory term to describe a learner
  • bullied a learner by repeatedly singling them out for discipline, when the learner had done nothing to deserve it
  • yelled excessively at a learner when they misbehaved, causing the learner to feel upset and/or unsafe
  • restrained a learner by holding their arm (although not in a violent or sexual manner) when it was not necessary or appropriate
  • has not adequately responded to disclosure of abuse of a child
  • was significantly neglectful of a child by leaving them alone or unsupervised for an extended period, and/or
  • threatened violence towards / in front of a learner.

Reporting guide

Some of above examples could amount to reportable conduct under the Reportable Conduct Scheme and should be reported to the school. They can also be reported to CCYPVIT and VRQA.

Teacher registration concerns

I have a concern about a registered teacher’s health or behaviour outside of the school setting.

For example

  • a registered teacher displays behaviour suggesting a health concern which may impact their role as a teacher
  • I have concerns about a teacher’s behaviour outside the school setting which may impact their role as a teacher, and/or
  • I have concerns that a teacher may not be registered.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to breaches of the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct and/or the VRQA minimum standards, and should be reported to the school and VIT. They can also be reported to VRQA.

School based concerns

I have a concern about the content/curriculum being delivered and/or the type of assessment in a Victorian school, or I have a concern about how complaints and policies are being addressed.

For example

  • the topics covered in a lesson did not relate to the Australian or Victorian Curriculum
  • the amount of assessment required of learners is excessive
  • I have concerns about the school's compliance with the Child Safe Standards
  • the school has not adequately handled a complaint or issue I raised with them, and/or
  • the school has made decisions which are not in line with school policies.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to breaches of the Child Safe Standards and/or the VRQA minimum standards and should be reported to the school. They can also be reported to CCYP and VRQA.

Concerns about VCE examination content, senior secondary curriculum, F-10 curriculum, early learning, NAPLAN or the marking of VCE examinations can be reported to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Conduct concerns about teachers within an early childhood (EC) service

Criminal behaviour scenario (non-sexual)

I have a concern that a registered teacher* in a Victorian EC service has used physical violence against a learner (including behaviour outside the education setting).

For example, a registered teacher*

  • deliberately hit, punched or used excessive force when restraining a learner, which caused the learner physical or mental injury.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to criminal offences and should be reported to the EC service and Victoria Police. They can also be reported to CCYP, VIT and QARD.

Criminal behaviour (sexual)

I have a concern that a registered teacher* in a Victorian EC service engaged in sexualised behaviour against a learner (including behaviour outside the education setting).

For example, a registered teacher*

  • sent inappropriate messages or images to a learner by email, text or another form of electronic messaging
  • deliberately touched a learner in a sexual manner, and/or
  • committed a sexual offence against a learner.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to criminal offences and should be reported to the EC service and Victoria Police. They can also be reported to CCYP, VIT and QARD.

Inappropriate conduct

I have a concern that a registered teacher* in a EC service has demonstrated inappropriate (but not sexual or physically violent) behaviour towards a learner (including behaviour outside the education setting).

For example, a registered teacher*

  • used offensive language in class, which caused a learner to feel uncomfortable
  • used a racist/derogatory term to describe a learner
  • bullied a learner by repeatedly singling them out for discipline, when the learner had done nothing to deserve it
  • yelled excessively at a learner when they misbehaved, causing the learner to feel upset and/or unsafe
  • restrained a learner by holding their arm (although not in a violent or sexual manner) when it was not necessary or appropriate
  • has not adequately responded to disclosure of abuse by a child (read more here), and/or
  • threatened violence towards / in front of a learner.

Reporting guide

Some of the above examples could amount to reportable conduct under the Reportable Conduct Scheme and should be reported to the EC service. They can also be reported to CCYP, VIT and QARD.

Teacher registration concerns

I have a concern about a registered teacher’s health or behaviour outside of the EC service setting.

For example

  • a registered teacher displays behaviour suggesting a health concern which may impact their role as a teacher
  • I have concerns about a teacher’s behaviour outside the EC service setting which may impact their role as a teacher, and/or
  • I have concerns that a teacher may not be registered.

Reporting guide

Some of the above examples could amount to breaches of the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct and should be reported to the EC service and VIT. They can also be reported to QARD.

Early childhood service based concerns

I have a concern about a learner's health, safety or wellbeing, relevant legislation being contravened, or how complaints and policies are being addressed in an EC service.

For example

  • I have concerns about the EC service's compliance with the Child Safe Standards
  • the EC service has not adequately handled a complaint or issue I raised with them, and/or
  • the EC service has made decisions which are not in line with the EC service policies.

Reporting guide

The above examples could amount to breaches of the Child Safe Standards and should be reported to the EC service. They can also be reported to CCYP and QARD.

Case Study

Download full guide

Download the full guide (PDF) for members of the community on reporting conduct concerns about registered teachers within a school setting or early childhood service.

Last updated: 09 Dec 2021

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