You don’t need a card to prove that you are a registered teacher. Employers can be satisfied that if your name appears on the register of teachers, then you hold valid VIT registration. If your name is displayed in red, you hold non-practising registration and are not able to undertake the duties of a teacher / early childhood teacher.
If you show on the register of teachers as holding current/practising teacher registration, you can undertake the duties of a teacher in a school, or use your registration to undertake child-related work in lieu of a Working with Children (WWC) clearance (previously called a Working with Children Check or WWCC).
If you show on the Register of teachers as holding current/practising early childhood teacher registration you can undertake the duties of an early childhood teacher in an early childhood service, or use your registration to undertake child-related work in lieu of a WWC clearance.
If you show on the Register of teachers (in red) as holding non-practising registration, you can use your registration to undertake child-related work in lieu of a WWC clearance. You must not undertake the duties of a teacher in a Victorian school, or early childhood teacher in a Victorian early childhood service.
If you use your teacher registration in lieu of a WWC clearance to undertake child-related work other than teaching, you must notify Working With Children Check Victoria (WWCCV).