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When can I apply for provisional registration as a Victorian graduate?

Intake of graduate applications for provisional registration occurs twice yearly, commencing in April for mid-year graduates and August for end-year graduates. You can find out more about the registration timeline on the How long does it take to register page. 

The VIT obtains Evidence of Completion (EOC) directly from your ITE provider. Registration cannot be granted until this is received, and the VIT recommends that graduates do not apply too far in advance of their expected graduation date. 

What do I do if I want to take time off after I graduate?

Graduates do not need to apply for provisional registration immediately after completing their qualification. However, if you do not apply directly after finishing your ITE course, you will need to independently organise your own Evidence of Completion (EOC) document to send to VIT.  

If a graduate does not intend to teach immediately but chooses to apply for provisional registration upon completion of their qualification, they have two options.  

Graduates can apply for provisional registration, which is granted for two years. Then, if more time is needed, applicants must apply for an additional period of provisional registration. This is done through the MyVIT portal within 3 months of provisional registration expiring.  

Graduates could also apply for non-practicing registration after they have successfully applied for provisional registration. There is no time limit on when teachers need to return if they are paying their registration fees.  

Will my qualifications expire if I don't register immediately?

Your Evidence of Completion (EOC), which shows that you have successfully completed your qualification, does not expire.  

If a graduate does not wish to apply for provisional registration immediately after completing their qualification, they will need to independently source their Evidence of Completion from their ITE provider.  

Who do I register with if I live in a border town and plan to work in both Victoria and New South Wales?

If an applicant wishes to work in both Victoria and New South Wales, they must register with both states.  

The New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) and VIT have a reciprocal agreement to allow teachers who reside near the NSW-Victorian border to have flexibility. Therefore, once an applicant has registration from NESA, they must apply for registration in Victoria then apply for a waiver of annual fee from VIT

If I graduate early as my approved place of study uses trimesters rather than semesters, can I apply for registration early?

If an applicant completes their study, obtains their certificate of completion and has adhered to all other regulatory requirements necessary for initial registration, they are able to provide their official academic transcript prior to the University releasing it to VIT. VIT does not have to wait for the place of study to send it through.  

Do I have to wait until I have received my registration before I can apply for jobs?

An applicant may apply for jobs prior to being granted provisional registration. However, they cannot begin teaching until they have obtained provisional registration.  

It is a criminal offence to teach in Victoria without being registered. 

Do I need to have provisional registration, can I just skip it and move straight to full registration?

Provisional registration is in place to acknowledge the period of time after graduating an ITE course, that a teacher’s practice moves from graduate to proficient level, as defined by the APST.  

The length of time it takes for a teacher’s practice to move from graduate to proficient level is dependent on the person. However, each teacher who holds full registration has demonstrated their proficiency through evidence against the proficient level of the APST. Thus, a new graduate cannot skip the provisional registration category to move directly to full registration.  

If I have completed an approved course in early childhood and primary education, do I need to register for both?

You need to apply for registration for any sector you intend to work in. If you only wish to teach in one sector you only need to apply for registration in that category. 

However, if you would like to teach in both categories, you must hold dual registration. Once you hold dual registration you will receive a discount on the second registration.  

When embarking on the Inquiry process to move from provisional to full registration, you will only need to complete this process in one sector, to receive full registration in both categories. 

Where can I work with PTT (COVID-19)?

Under the Support Your School initiative (SYSI), final year pre-service teachers can register under permission to teach (COVID-19 Pre-Service Teacher Workforce Shortage Relief). This is available for school teachers only wishing to work for the Melbourne Archdioceses Catholic Schools (MACS) or Government schools through their relevant websites; Independent schools need to identify their own candidates.  

Can I gain permission to teach as an ECT?

No. PTT cannot be granted to teach in an early childhood service. Permission to Teach (PTT) is an alternative authorisation to teach that exists primarily to address a workforce shortage within Victorian schools.

Can I begin the provisional to full registration process while under PTT?

No. PTT practice cannot contribute towards moving to full registration, the 80 days of teaching and Inquiry process must be undertaken once a person has completed their initial teacher education program and been granted provisional registration.

Do my PTT days count towards my 80 days to fulfil my provisional to full regulatory requirements?

No, any days taught while holding permission to teach cannot be used towards the 80 days of teaching required to move from provisional to full registration. Only days taught while holding provisional registration can be counted. 

Can I use my PTT (COVID-19) registration status to start a contract job at a school?

No, Permission to Teach (PTT) is a registration category specific for a role or to address a workplace shortage.  

The employer must endorse the candidate and provide information about the specific position held by the candidate.  

In the case of PTT (COVID-19), the specific role is to provide short term casual support to manage the impacts of COVID-19. The DE (Department of Education) and the MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) act as the endorsers for each candidate.  

PTT is not a renewable form of registration and is limited to a maximum of 3 years.  

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