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Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, a Category B offence includes (but it not necessarily limited to) the following

  • sexual offences (other than rape or attempted rape) where the person against whom the offence was committed was not a child;
  • sexual offences where the person who committed the offence and the person against whom the offence was committed were children;
  • stalking;
  • distributing an intimate image or threatening to distribute an intimate image;
  • some violent offences (other than murder and attempted murder); and
  • some drug offences such as trafficking or supplying a drug of dependence to a child.

If a person makes an application to VIT for registration / renewal of registration, VIT must refuse the application if

  • the person is currently charged with, or has been convicted or found guilty of a Category B offence in Victoria, or an equivalent offence in another jurisdiction; or 
  • the VIT considers that the person poses an unjustifiable risk to children.

If the person is a registered teacher, VIT may suspend all of their registrations if the person has been charged with a Category B offence.

Prior to making any decisions, VIT will provide the person with an opportunity to provide further information and documentation relating to the Category B offence.