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2022 Australian Teacher Workforce Data initiative

Teachers are encouraged to be part of the ATWD and help shape the future of teaching.

The Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD) initiative is delivering an evolving picture of the national teacher workforce, from initial teacher education through all stages of the teacher career, and across all states, territories and employer sectors.

The ATWD is a valuable national evidence-base that is providing important insight into how we can address key challenges in the teaching profession. 

The ATWD Teacher Survey

To truly understand the modern teaching experience, it’s important to hear from as many teachers as possible. All teachers have unique experiences and insights, and every teacher’s story matters.

The ATWD Teacher Survey is the largest survey of the teacher workforce in Australia. It is a voluntary, 10-minute survey that is sent annually to all registered teachers in Australia.

How to participate in the ATWD Teacher Survey

This year, teachers and leaders will be invited to participate in the ATWD Teacher Survey via an email from the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) in early October.

Find out more about the ATWD and the ATWD Teacher Survey.

VIT supports the ATWD

Each year teachers across Australia are sharing their story to help us understand everyday teaching experiences and challenges such as time spent on teaching and other activities, working hours and out-of-field teaching. 

VIT is committed to quality teaching and believes the ATWD will be a valuable, evidence-based workforce planning resource that will help ensure teachers are well-supported and schools are well-resourced to deliver quality learning for all Australian children.

Find out more about VIT's privacy policy.

Privacy is protected

The ATWD complies with all Commonwealth, state and territory privacy legislation. It contains only de-identified data; no personal information is included, and individual teachers cannot be identified.

Find out about the safeguards in place to protect privacy and how your information will be handled.

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