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Ministerial Reference Group survey now open

Share your thoughts on creating a better and fairer education system

The Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System is due to make its next set of recommendations for Education Ministers across Australia. The review aims to inform the next agreement to improve education outcomes across the country and meet the current and future needs of learners. 

Two surveys are now open, one for teachers, and a second for parents / guardians and students to share their experiences and help shape the future of education in Australia. 

Conducted by the Social Research Centre, the surveys will ask questions about learning and wellbeing, teacher recruitment and retention, and funding transparency and accountability. 

Survey results will assist the expert panel in drafting a consultation paper, as well as final recommendations that will later advise Education Ministers on the targets and reforms needed in the next National School Reform Agreement. 

Surveys are now open. Submissions close 5pm 23 June 2023. 

Complete teacher survey

Complete Parent / Guardian and student survey

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