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The VIT phone lines will shut at 3pm on Thursday 1 August 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience.

We have developed a range of podcasts that showcase good teacher practice, explore professional conduct boundaries, provide helpful information on registration processes and address some of our most frequently asked questions.

If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see on our page, please contact us. Transcripts can also be obtained by contacting VIT.

Icon Important Info

Please note that some of these recordings may include names and/or voices of deceased individuals.

Moving to full registration

Moving to full registration as a casual relief teacher - Susan Hill

We talk to casual relief teacher Susan Hill about her insight and challenges faced when she completed her Inquiry process.

Moving to full registration as a casual relief teacher - Liston Williams

We talk to casual relief teacher Liston Williams about how he completed his Inquiry process.


The Inquiry Process: Krystal Sarraf

We talk to primary school teacher Krystal Sarraf about how she recently completed her Inquiry Process to move to full registration.

Early childhood teacher Kate Fisher talks about the Inquiry Process
Secondary Secondary school teacher Anne Macdonald talks about the Inquiry Process
Secondary school teacher Trevor Spaliaras talks about the Inquiry Process
Primary school teacher Natalie Ognenis talks about the Inquiry Process
Primary school teacher Daniel Glasson talks about the Inquiry Process
Primary school teacher Julie Glass talks about the Inquiry Process
Secondary school teacher Vicky De Rome talks about the Inquiry Process
Secondary school language teacher Nicole Butcher talks about the Inquiry Process 
Eight primary and secondary school teachers talk about the Inquiry process

Casual relief teachers (CRTs)

Working as a CRT: Su Ross

We talk to Su Ross about why she chose casual relief teaching as a career option, and how she goes about her work. 

Professional conduct

VIT Podcast 2021 #1 Professional boundaries with learners

VIT lawyer Bianca answers questions relating to professional conduct

VIT Podcast 2021 #2 Personal Conduct

VIT lawyer Bianca answers questions relating to professional conduct

Teacher Conduct Issues – Sexual Offence

We talk to VIT Senior Lawyer Angela Barac about what occurs after a teacher is alleged to have committed a sexual offence, including the role of the employer, the teacher’s colleagues and VIT. 

Excellence in teaching

Excellence in teaching - Allan Robinson
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