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Using flipped learning to improve student outcomes - Black Hill Primary School


Engaged students in learning
Chloe Dew – Physical Education teacher 
Black Hill Primary School

Schools and early childhood services across Victoria continue to provide quality learning experiences across all levels. The VIT’s Professional Practice team is privileged to see this work first hand on visits to workplaces around the State. Here is just one example spotlighting the great work happening in a Victorian school.

Chloe Dew was awarded the Outstanding Physical Education and Activity Teacher winner at the 2021 Victorian Education Excellence Awards. We spoke to Chloe about how her inclusive and flexible approach to learning improved student outcomes.

Q: Can you give some background to the development of your approach to the initiative, including any research or establish models or strategies that your approach is based upon?

During remote learning, I began recording instructional videos to enhance learning for my students. As this model of learning evolved, I went on to research different practices and approaches other teachers were implementing across Australia, and even internationally. I ended up moving my weekly lessons to a virtual classroom and further progressed this by sharing all of my sessions via Google Classrooms. 

I received positive feedback from families about how their children interacted with ‘me’ during their time learning from home. Many families felt that this helped their children feel connected to me and keep active through physical education. 

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Once we returned to face-to-face learning, my professional learning team (specialist team) and I engaged in discussions about how we could utilise our new learning approach to continue growing our teaching and learning program at school. 

We continued creating weekly virtual classrooms which included our learning intention, success criteria, a description of all tasks being completed in the lesson and any other digital materials required for the lesson (such as a demonstration video). 

It gave students the chance to access the lessons ahead of time so that they could arrive with an understanding of what to expect in their lessons. This approach of flipped learning enhanced the impact of my physical education program.

Q: What structural things are in place to ensure that the initiative has its best chance at success?

To ensure the school community has easy access to my virtual classrooms and can take full advantage of the flipped learning approach, I share the Google Classrooms link with families via our school’s communications app Compass, the school newsletter and Facebook page. 

In addition, my students in years 3 - 6 (and other specialist teachers) have saved the website link to their home screens for easy access whenever they require it. 

In the school’s gym I am fortunate enough to have access to a touch screen smart TV, therefore students have direct access to the different links and learning materials.  

Q: What have been the benefits of this approach to learner outcomes?

This approach has allowed for authentic flipped learning which has led to some terrific outcomes for students. 

As the lessons are posted in advance, students and their families can access the learning materials together, allowing them to rehearse or develop their skills prior to the lesson. 

I found by watching the demonstration videos and reading the learning intention and success criteria, it helped relieve anxiety in some students who felt nervous not knowing what to expect in class. 

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Since flipped learning has been introduced, I have observed an increase in confidence as students are now able to prepare themselves and arrive with an understanding of what is expected.

This approach also allows students to revisit activities and concepts after the lesson so they can follow up if they need to practise. It provides an opportunity for parents to take a closer look and support their child with their learning.

In addition, the flipped learning approach has enhanced the quality of class discussions. Many students come in having already thought about the lesson content, which means they have had extra time to process concepts and confidently share their own ideas.

Q: What plans does your workplace have to take this approach forward? 

The success of virtual classrooms and the flipped learning approach has encouraged staff members to implement it in the other specialist classes at Black Hill Primary School. It’s also fantastic to see it’s being used by several PE teachers who I collaborate with in the Ballarat region.

APST Professional Engagement

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