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What does it mean to be a teacher?

In celebration of World Teacher’s Day, we asked 12 registered teachers and early childhood teachers from across Victoria to show us what it means to them to be a teacher or educational leader in 2022.

Matilda - Princes Hill Primary School

Princes Hill Primary School Matilda

“I love all the creative, silly, messy moments.
All of the ‘Wow, look how cool that is!’ or the ‘Check this out’ moments.”

Megan - Early Learning Explorers (Greenvale)

Explorers Early Learning Greenvale - Megan

“Being an educational leader is rewarding and inspiring. Everyday I'm able to mentor and see the spark in educator’s eyes when
working with them and achieving goals. It is important to me that educators have passion and enjoy their work every day. Being an educational leader in 2022 is different to a few years ago, after the pandemic a lot of educators were tired and unmotivated. Now a big part of my role is to uplift and support educators in finding their happy again and remembering why they initially became educators. I am so grateful to be an educational leader, it makes my heart happy every day!”

Emma - Yarraberg Children’s Centre

Yarraberg Children's Centre - Emma

Teaching is a great way to keep learning. I love being a part of children’s learning, growing and discovering. I love the moments
I share with children, the songs we sing, the dance moves we invent, the buildings we create, the art we make, the walks we walk
and the knowledge and awareness we develop together. 

Luke - Armstrong Creek School

Armstrong Creek School Luke

“Teaching is all about relationships; not just the ones you build with your students, but also the strong bonds you build with your colleagues.
When everyone is getting along and can have a bit of a laugh together, it has an impact on the learning environment for the students.”

Jen - Princes Hill Primary School

Princes Hill Primary School Jen

“What I love about teaching is the ability to create safe and fun learning spaces
which foster relationships for collaboration and the sharing of creativity.”

Hollie - Early Learning Explorers (Greenvale)

Explorers Early Learning Greenvale - Hollie

“My highlight of being an early childhood teacher is working with children that love and respect me. I feel so much pride when I see the children achieving their learning and socials goals. Coming out of the pandemic, children have had more anxieties about being away from their parents and I've spent much time developing strong and positive relationships with them. Some children still struggle at drop off, but once the day has started and they settle in, we have a lovely day together. I am forever grateful for my amazing and independent children that I have this year.”

Jaimi - Panton Hill Primary School

Panton Hill Primary School Jaimi

“This is our Acknowledgement of Country wall. As a class, we refer to it when we say our morning acknowledgement,
and the students love looking at different areas on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tribe map and
identifying local language groups. This wall brings my class joy.”

Zarah - Connie Benn Early Learning Centre

Connie Benn Early Learning Centre - Zarah

"Working as a kindergarten teacher allows me to create safe and predictable learning environments with the children to develop independence and support overall wellbeing. Play-based learning and positive social interactions are the foundations of everything and I enjoy working in settings that recognise and fosters individual personalities and personal development.

Jaymie - Northcote High School

Northcote High School Jaymie

“To me, teaching is all about relationships. I love the conversations I get to have with my home room students.”

Kate - Essendon Primary School

Essendon Primary School Kate

“I love teaching because of the amazing experiences we have with our learners. From camps to excursions, they’re not just learning experiences for the learners, they’re for us too!”

Selin - Early Learning Explorers (Greenvale)

Explorers Early Learning Greenvale - Selin

“Being a kindergarten teacher means to be passionate, caring, and enthusiastic. I strive to provide quality care where children
are able to explore, imagine, express, investigate and wonder. I believe it is essential to have a strong relationship with families,
children, and co-workers so I can make a difference in their lives.”

Ebony - Iris Ramsay Kindergarten

Iris Ramsay Kindergarten - Ebony

“I love being able to foster children’s wonder and curiosity within the natural environment, watching them build resilience,
grow in confidence and learn to appreciate all the land has to offer. ”

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