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Join an initial teacher education accreditation panel

2024 is proving to be another busy year at VIT with the implementation of national education reforms and continuing initial teacher education (ITE) program accreditation.

National teacher shortages and the added pressure on ITE providers to implement these reforms have presented some challenges in panel availability to assess and recommend applications for approval of new programs at stage one and existing programs at stage two.

We rely on the expertise of our panelists and acknowledge the time commitment involved in assessing applications, attending the panel and making expert judgements on the evidence presented, and then requesting and assessing supplementary evidence.

The VIT panel executive officers endeavour to make the process as seamless as possible by working as an intermediary between the provider and panel, taking on a facilitation role and providing impartial advice and guidance to all parties.

Expressions of interest

The role of trained panellists is the cornerstone of ITE program accreditation and being involved in the accreditation of ITE programs is fantastic experience for accreditation professionals. The VIT is now taking expressions of interest for involvement in 2024 panels. 

To express your interest in participating, or to find out more, please contact

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