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The VIT phone lines will shut at 3pm on Thursday 1 August 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Queries that VIT can (and can't) help with

We regularly receive requests for advice from teachers and the general public on matters that fall outside of our jurisdiction. VIT is always glad to assist where possible, however there are times when we are unable to help.

VIT regularly receives requests for advice from teachers and the general public on matters relating to teacher registration or conduct, and we’re glad to assist. Most of the answers to common questions can be found on our frequently asked questions page.

We also receive questions about employment issues or curriculum matters, requests for professional development or services that you might expect from an industrial advocate or membership organisation. VIT is an independent regulatory body, and these aren’t matters we’re able to assist you with.

So it’s important to clarify who we are, and who we’re not.

VIT is an independent, self-funding government authority, regulating the teaching profession in the public interest. Although we report to the Minister for Education, we’re not part of the Department of Education and Training.

What we do

  • register teachers and early childhood teachers
  • establish and maintain standards of professional practice
  • investigate conduct, competence and fitness to teach of teachers and early childhood teachers
  • approve initial teacher education programs (and accept programs for early childhood teachers approved or endorsed by the national authority)
  • develop Codes of Ethics and Conduct.

And here’s what we are not

  • employer of teachers and early childhood teachers or employer authority
  • assessor and / or accreditor of early childhood settings
  • member organisation
  • professional development provider
  • industrial organisation or advocate for teachers.

Find out more about VIT’s purpose and strategic objectives or take a look at our frequently asked questions.

Teacher registration helps maintain professional status, standing and public confidence in the teaching profession, particularly in the suitability of teachers to work with children. Find out more about why VIT is important for the teaching profession.

VIT's regulatory approach

Our regulatory approach sets out our strategy to regulate the teaching profession in Victoria. It reflects best practice and strengthens our risk-based approach to teacher registration.

It provides the teaching profession, the government and the general public with a clear statement of how we perform our role and what you can expect from us.

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