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The VIT phone lines will shut at 3pm on Thursday 1 August 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Teacher registration, employment and FAQs

The following information about annual registration, unregistered teaching practice and employing a teacher in your school or early childhood service will help to keep track of your regulatory obligations.

Over 94% of all teachers completed their annual registration tasks by the due date of 30 September 2023. While the deadline has passed, if a teacher has not completed their tasks, a late fee has been applied and they have been granted a three-month grace period until 31 December 2023.

During this time, they will remain registered and (if they hold practising registration) will be able to work as a teacher while they hold registration. 

If they do not complete the annual registration requirements by 31 December, the following applies

Fully registered teachers (incl. those who are non-practising) and non-practising provisionally registered teachers 

  • their registration will expire and they will be removed from the Register of teachers 
  • they will not be able to undertake the duties of a teacher and must submit a new application for registration. 

Provisionally registered teachers and permission to teach holders 

  • their registration will be suspended and they will be removed from the Register of teachers 
  • they will not be able to undertake the duties of a teacher until they have made payment and successfully revoked their suspension. 
Icon Important Info

Please note that some permission to teach holders or provisionally registered teachers may have registration expiry dates prior to 31 December 2023, in which case they must make a new application in order to continue teaching.

To ensure your teachers are meeting their registration requirements and able to teach in 2024, please remind them to complete their annual registration tasks as soon as possible.

Closer to the 31 December removal date, VIT will communicate with you about any teachers employed in your school or early childhood service who have not completed their annual registration tasks and are at risk of being removed from the register of teachers in 2024. To ensure we communicate effectively, please update your Employer portal with all teachers currently employed at your school or early childhood service.

Your support in the annual teacher registration period will reduce the risk of unregistered teaching practice in Victoria.

Working with Children clearance

All registered teachers, including non-practising teachers, are exempt from needing a Working with Children (WWC) clearance (previously known as a Working with Children Check or WWCC). Please visit the Working with Children page to find out more.

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