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Webinar: Introducing the revised Code of Conduct

As part of the launch of the revised Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct, VIT is conducting a series of webinars for all teachers and educational leaders to introduce the revised Code.

Throughout 2019 and 2020, VIT undertook an extensive period of consultation and development to revise the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct (the Code). We received more than 3,000 submissions and conducted workshops across Victoria with stakeholders right across the education community.

The VIT has launched the revised Code with a range of support materials including case study videos, guidance packs, training materials and podcasts, with more material to be added throughout the year. The revised Code comes into effect in Term 3 of 2021.

As part of the launch, VIT is also conducting a series of webinars for all teachers and educational leaders to introduce the revised Code.

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Running until mid-August, there are 2 types of webinars currently available.

For all teachers

Focusing on the revisions to the Code, these webinars will also contain discussions around various case studies and how they might be applied in different teaching contexts.

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For educational Leaders

These webinars are aimed at staff in charge of organising professional learning in their workplace and focus on how that professional learning could be conducted using resources provided by VIT.

Initial feedback from webinars has been positive, with 100% of respondents saying they

  • had a better understanding of the purpose of the Code and how it relates to their own practice
  • had a better understanding of the role teachers play in providing for the safety and wellbeing of learners
  • could better recognise the connection between the Code and their own teaching context.

As well as providing insight into the revised Code, these seminars will meet teachers’ professional learning requirements for renewal of registration, particularly addressing descriptors in Standard 7 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

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