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2022 teacher satisfaction survey progress report

In order to continuously improve the way in which the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) delivers its regulatory functions, we utilise feedback on VIT’s processes, communications and actions. 

In a teacher satisfaction survey sent in June 2022, teachers spoke their minds and we listened. So, what did we learn? Results have allowed VIT to gauge what we are doing well and identify areas for improvement.

We are committed to being responsive and to resolving issues as they arise. Following the survey, the below actions have been undertaken. This is not an exhaustive list, but it shows that we are taking your feedback seriously. 

Actions Due Status Details
Develop a range of FAQs to address some of the common grievances and misconceptions teachers have with VIT and the annual registration process. December 2022 Complete
Develop the ability for teachers to self-identify as a CRT in Nexus to improve VIT’s subscriber list and ensure all CRTs receive the CRT Circular. December 2022 Complete
  • teachers are now required to identify their teaching context in the annual registration application - this can also be updated at any time via their MyVIT account
  • CRTs are automatically subscribed to the CRT Circular email distribution list upon self-identification of their teaching context
  • CRT database updated with a clean list of CRT subscribers in February 2023.
Develop a suite of registration approval emails to educate new teachers about registration requirements specific to their registration type (including their annual registration requirements), and a series of communications pieces about what VIT does and why. January 2023 Complete
  • new applicants - after an application for registration has been approved, newly registered teachers receive up to 10 emails on a range of topics specifically targeted to their registration type (e.g. introduction to VIT, how will VIT support teachers through their registration journey, induction into the teaching profession, introduction to the Code of Conduct, how and when to mandatory report, VIT registration requirements etc)
  • currently registered teachers - after an application for any change in registration status (e.g. provisional to full, non-practising registration), teachers receive up to 6 emails on a range of topics (effective professional learning, recency of practice).
Develop a suite of email templates and phone scripts to assist the Teacher Engagement and Registration Officers to communicate quickly and clearly with teachers and employers, ensuring the correct information is provided in all correspondence. January 2023 Complete / Ongoing
  • new suite of templates / scripts covers a range of frequently requested topics including initial applications, provisional registration, annual registration, PTT COVID-19, and NCCHC etc
  • templates / scripts embedded into contact centre staff workflows and regularly checked for QA
  • templates / scripts will continue to expand as new policies and processes develop.
Continue to resource telephone hotlines with priority over email, ensure staff training and support levels remain high, and conduct regular QA of email responses and teacher hotline calls. January 2023 Complete / Ongoing
  • improved teacher registration and engagement rates
  • despite 15% increase in call and email volumes during the period, VIT is maintaining 
    • average 96% answer rate for Teacher and Principal Hotline calls (call wait time: 49 seconds for Principal Hotline and 83 seconds for Teacher Hotline)
    • average email response rate of 2 business days (including emails that come in after hours).
Develop a PTT Circular to provide regular and timely information to PTT holders. February 2023 Complete / Ongoing
  • distributed two editions of the PTT Circular (February and July 2023)
  • PTT circular now embedded into Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Branch’s schedule of work.
Review the current card production process with the mailhouse to ensure SLAs are being met short-term, including maximum 10,000 card batches and use of secure file transfer protocol. March 2023 Complete
  • card distribution increased from twice weekly to daily from August to November, and were issued within 8 business days of applications being approved as part of the mailhouse’s SLAS - 100% of the time.
    Review the annual registration process in Nexus (including a focus group to test the functionality and content of the online module) and update all related collateral (videos / fact sheets) to reflect correct procedures. August 2023 Complete / Ongoing
    • a number of enhancements were made to the application form ahead of the 2022-23 annual registration period, including design, wording and links to further information
    • following the 2022-23 annual registration period, a number of enhancements have been made / currently being developed, including but not limited to
      • invoice automatically emailed upon application submission
      • NCCHC due date appears in teacher’s MyVIT account
      • logging in process for teachers / employers.
    Review the current social media strategy to ensure its in line with the VPS and DE standards / guidelines and incorporate teacher’s communication preferences and expectations. September 2023 Complete
    • social media strategy updated and pending approval
    • social media policy developed and pending approval
    • LinkedIn profile following grown by over 50% in 2022-23
    • social media planner for other channels developed and awaiting rollout (likely to occur in late 2023 / early 2024).
    Offer VIT information sessions to educate and increase knowledge about VIT’s role as a teacher regulator. September 2023 Complete / Ongoing
    • published a number of articles which addressed misconceptions about our role and provided answers to the common FAQs from the survey
    • engaged directly with schools, early childhood services and initial teacher education (ITE) providers / pathway providers to help them better understand VIT’s functions (roundtable discussions, webinars, direct emails, circulars, resources for employers and teachers / pre-service teachers), employer / ITE portal etc)
    • developed an Employer Pack for schools / EC services to understand their important role as co-regulators
    • committed additional resources to embed regular educative webinars in 2024.
    Review the language, tone and range of content of VIT’s communications and research the communications of other regulatory bodies to gauge standard practice in the regulatory space. December 2023 In progress / Ongoing
    • new Stakeholder Engagement and Communications team members currently reviewing / questioning / querying VIT's language, tone and content including, but not limited to, social media strategy, Nexus / website, email communications, Professional Practice newsletters, circulars etc.
    Develop a range of infographics / mind maps to illustrate specific regulatory functions, including the teacher registration process, and how they are funded. December 2023 In progress
    • Employer Pack sent to all employers in May 2023 - webinars due to be scheduled in the coming months.
    Develop a communications campaign that clearly explains VIT’s role as a teacher regulator (including legislative requirements for VIT, teachers and employers). December 2023 In progress
    • Employer Pack sent to all employers in May 2023 - webinars due to be scheduled in the coming months.
    Recommence the plan to introduce e-Cards in 2023 to ensure a seamless transition and long-term implementation. TBC 2024 In progress
    • development has commenced for digital registration cards
    • teachers will gradually transition from physical to digital registration cards and VIT is working towards issuing digital cards only by end of 2024.
    We've vastly improved out teacher registration and engagement rates
    Performance measure 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023
    Total application assessment time 12.5 weeks 4.3 weeks 3.8 weeks
    Call answer rate – teachers’ hotline 53% 97.8% 95.7%
    Call answer rate – principal hotline 79.2% 97.4% 96%
    Average call wait time – Teacher hotline 40+ minutes 38.4 seconds 83.4 seconds
    Average call wait time – Principal hotline 25+ minutes 39.6 seconds 49 seconds
    Average email response time 6 weeks 2 business days 2 business days

    While the last teacher satisfaction survey was issued in June 2022, future teacher satisfaction surveys will be issued annually in November. The survey results will be published towards the end of the year and a progress report will be available to all stakeholders prior to the next survey being issued the following November.

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