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Code of Conduct: seeking final feedback

This is your final opportunity to share your thoughts about the Victorian Teaching Profession Code of Conduct consultation draft.

It has been ten years since the Victorian Teaching Profession’s Code of Conduct (the Code) was developed in consultation with the teaching profession and implemented by the VIT.  

This is your final opportunity to provide your thoughts on the consultation draft of the Code through a short survey.

The Code plays an important role in establishing a set of principles which describe the professional conduct, personal conduct and professional competence expected of all Victorian teachers by their colleagues and the community. 

The VIT has been undertaking a review of the Code. This has involved a Professional Boundaries workshop with over 100 key stakeholders, seeking submissions through a Discussion Paper as well as facilitating regional workshops and a number of other targeted workshops with key stakeholders. The VIT also reviewed other professional codes of conduct, codes of ethics and professional guidelines to inform the revisions of the Code.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to participate in the consultation process. Your feedback will help ensure the Code is contemporary and reflective of the teaching profession.

VIT has collated this feedback and has developed a consultation draft of the Code, with an explanatory note to seek final comments.

Take the survey

If you have not already done so, please provide final thoughts and comments by completing this short survey by 5pm on Friday 30 October 2020.

Once final comments have been received, we will evaluate if any further amendment is required before the anticipated release of the revised Code in Term 1 2021 (effective from Term 2 2021).

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