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Initial teacher education (ITE) accreditation update – April 2023

The following information relates to the Accreditation Expert Group (AEG), a body of Victorian panellists trained in ITE program accreditation assessment at stage one (new applications) and stage two (continuation of existing programs). The group consists of teachers, employers, members of the teaching profession and the broader education community.

National reviews into initial teacher education

As an AEG member, you are encouraged to read the recent national reviews into ITE. The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) will update you on the impact of any actions related to ITE accreditation.

Teacher Education Expert Panel Discussion Paper

The Teacher Education Expert Panel (TEEP) was established to provide advice on issues raised at the Teacher Workforce Shortage Roundtable and in the Next Steps: Report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education (QITE) Review.

Released on 23 March 2023, the Discussion Paper provides advice on four reform areas

  1. strengthening ITE programs to deliver confident, effective, classroom ready graduates
  2. strengthening the link between performance and funding of ITE programs
  3. improving the quality of practical experience in teaching
  4. improving postgraduate programs to attract mid-career entrants.

The discussion paper highlights the need to increase the number of people starting and finishing ITE - including those who are currently under-represented, such as First Nations people. It also considers the needs of regional, remote and other hard to staff schools and subject specialisations.

National Teacher Workforce Action Plan

On 15 December 2022, state education ministers agreed on the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan. The plan sets out a pathway to address national teacher workforce shortages, and builds on a range of existing initiatives.

The Plan includes actions across five priority areas

  1. improving teacher supply to increase the number of people choosing teaching as a career
  2. strengthening initial teacher education to ensure it supports teacher supply and delivers classroom ready graduates
  3. keeping current teachers and improving retention by increasing support for teachers, enhancing career pathways, reducing unnecessary workload and freeing up teachers to focus on core teaching tasks and collaboration
  4. elevating the profession to recognise the value teachers bring to students, communities and the economy
  5. increasing the understanding of future teacher workforce needs and improving the information available for teacher workforce planning.

Internship ITE programs

Internship programs are employment based, often fast-tracked ITE programs that allow pre-service teachers (PSTs) to undertake all, or part of, their supervised teaching practice days employed by a school under a grant of permission to teach (PTT).

The VIT is supporting a number of providers to develop and deliver internship programs, including the Employment-Based Degrees: Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow Programs funded by the Department of Education. 

The VIT have published the Internship Initial Teacher Education Programs Policy to assist providers who may wish to deliver Internship ITE programs.  

Stage two accreditation

Stage two accreditation is designed to be light touch and less onerous than stage one. A stage two application for accreditation includes the stage two report (template 5), which summarises the strengths and planned improvements to the program(s), and is informed by data collected during the stage one accreditation period. Panellists use this to focus and inform their assessment of the application. 

Stage two panellists do not reassess previous accreditation decisions or changes approved through annual reporting or other approval processes. ITE providers will indicate where evidence against program standards or graduate teacher standards has changed. ITE panellists only assess evidence against standards where a new change is indicated.

The VIT expects the majority of accreditation applications will proceed to a stage two submission, with only new ITE programs being accredited at stage one. The VIT will work closely with providers and panellists to ensure they understand the expectations of a stage two application.

The VIT has developed a guidance note for stage two accreditation in consultation with providers and panellists. This includes tips for providers in preparing stage two applications and supports panellists in understanding the expectations in assessing a stage two application. This is available in the Education provider resources section of the VIT website.

ITE panellist training

The Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) is offering panel training during the below dates.

Date Type
23/05/2023 Stage one Panel training
25/05/2023 Stage two Panel training
25/07/2023 Stage one Panel training
27/07/2023 Stage two Panel training
05/09/2023 Stage one Panel training
07/09/2023 Stage two Panel training
25/10/2023 Panel chair Training









  • if you have not recently participated on accreditation panels in Victoria or interstate, and it has been more than 4 years since your last panel training session, you are encouraged to complete the training again
  • if you have access to the AITSL training portal, you can complete the online panel pre-work as a refresher. Contact AITSL if you require access to your login details
  • if you have not been trained in stage two accreditation, you are encouraged to do so as soon as possible
  • panellists who have sat on several accreditation panels are also encouraged to undertake Chair training.

If you wish to attend a training session in 2023, please contact

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