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Strong Beginnings: Teacher Education Expert Panel report

Following the 2022 Teacher Workforce Shortage Roundtable, the Minister for Education appointed the Teacher Education Expert Panel (TEEP) to provide advice on four reform areas

  • strengthening ITE programs to deliver well-prepared beginning teachers
  • enhance the link between performance and funding of ITE
  • improve the quality of practical experience in teaching
  • improving postgraduate ITE programs for mid-career entrants.

On 6 July 2023, the TEEP released its final report Strong Beginnings: Report of the Teacher Education Expert Panel. The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) understands that the recommendations in this report will impact all currently accredited ITE programs and instigate changes to the national standards. 

In particular, all Education Ministers gave in-principle support to the panel’s recommendations and agreed to progress some immediate actions to better prepare beginning teachers. 

These actions include

  • develop national practical teaching guidelines by the end of 2023
  • amend accreditation standards and procedures by the end of 2023
  • ensure core content is embedded in all ITE programs before the end of 2025.

The VIT acknowledges the short timeline for the amendment of the standards, procedures and embedding of core content. 

The VIT will continue to work closely with ITE providers to ensure the management of any changes to existing programs are streamlined and any requirements or transition arrangements will be communicated as soon as possible. 

At this stage, we anticipate the introduction of core content should not impede a provider from progressing to stage two accreditation.


If you are preparing an application for accreditation or approaching a submission due date, you can contact your case managers to discuss any questions or concerns. 

The VIT values the commitment of all Victorian ITE providers in supporting the preparation of pre-service teachers and we look forward to navigating this change collaboratively.

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