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Funding to support early childhood PRTs to move to full registration

Provisionally registered teachers (PRTs) are required to move to full registration using the Inquiry process. PRTs have two years to develop and refine their teaching in order to demonstrate proficiency against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).

The Department of Education is offering additional funding for early childhood services to support provisionally registered early childhood teachers (ECTs) who intend to move to full registration in the next 12 months.

Early childhood services and their approved provider can apply for funding of $2,872 (excluding GST) per provisionally registered ECT.

What can the funding be used for?

The additional funding can be used for any of the following

  • providing paid time release, travel or accommodation expenses for both the provisionally registered ECT and a mentor to work with each other
  • employing a casual relief teacher (CRT) to back fill the provisionally registered ECT or mentor
  • supporting the provisionally registered ECT to undertake formal professional learning such as attendance at conferences, workshops, seminars and online courses
  • subscriptions to teacher magazines, journals, research articles and textbook resources
  • coaching from an external consultant.

How to apply for funding

Early childhood services delivering a funded kindergarten program and their approved provider can apply for funding on behalf of each provisionally registered ECT in their employ. 

Applications must be completed by an authorised person in a leadership position at the early childhood service by 19 April 2023.

For more information, visit the Department’s website on Funding to support provisionally registered early childhood teachers.

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