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Resources for permission to teach (VET)

Targeted resources are now available

Vocational education and training (VET) is an important part of many Victorian students’ senior secondary education. VET develops industry-specific knowledge and skills, as well as general skills needed for employment, training and further education. VET subjects are focused on practical work to prepare students for a particular trade or skilled profession.

There are currently about 30 Victorian schools that offer VET subjects as part of their curriculum, and many more that offer them to their students. VET programs allow students to study in fields such as building and construction, allied health assistance, hospitality / kitchen operations, beauty services and the music industry.

In order to teach in a Victorian school, a person must hold a current registration or permission to teach (PTT) with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT).

PTT (VET) enables individuals with vocational skills and relevant training and assessment qualifications to teach VET subjects in schools without the need for a teaching qualification.

Resources for schools, PTT (VET) applicants, TAFEs and Registered Training Organisations relating to PTT (VET) are now available.

How to apply for PTT (VET) 

The application process for each PTT category is the same. 

An application must first be submitted to VIT by the employer / school seeking to fill a position with a PTT grant. The application must provide reasons for seeking to fill the role with an individual who is not qualified to be a teacher, along with details about the candidate who has been endorsed to fill the role.

This will be assessed by VIT to ensure that the application meets the criteria for PTT, and to set up the applicant with a VIT record.

The endorsed candidate will then be invited to apply for a PTT grant. The candidate can only teach once their application has been assessed and approved by VIT.

PTT (VET) holder obligations

Because holders of PTT (VET) are not qualified teachers, their registration has limitations. PTT(VET) is limited to the VET subject(s) listed in their MyVIT account, on their registration card and in the school’s Employer portal.

PTT holders cannot use their registration to undertake casual relief teaching. 

PTT (VET) is not school specific – the holder is registered to teach the VET subject(s) listed on their grant in any Victorian secondary school.  

PTT (VET) is granted for three years at a time, however if applicants have completed professional development, industry engagement and professional practice they can apply for a further grant.

All teachers, including PTT (VET) holders, must comply with the requirements for maintaining teacher registration, including 

Teachers are also required to provide certain information toWorking with Children Check Victoria, such as where they are undertaking child-related work outside of teaching or where they are registered with an agency as being available to do so.

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