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The VIT has compiled definitions for our most frequently used terms, government departments and regulatory bodies. If you are unable to find a specific term in this list, please contact us.


Recency of practice

Recency of practice means

  • you have taught for a minimum of 20 days per year (which can be averaged over five years
  • you have undertaken at least 20 hours of standards referenced professional development activities per year.

To renew your registration as a teacher, you need to maintain recency of practice by engaging in teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership during the renewal period.


Recognised' means recognised by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or an equivalent authority in another Australian State or Territory.

Refuse registration

Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, VIT must refuse registration for a person for the following reasons

  • VIT must refuse an application for registration / renewal of registration if the person has been charged, convicted or found guilty of a category A offence
  • VIT must refuse an application for registration / renewal of registration if the person has been charged, convicted or found guilty of a category B offence AND the VIT considers that the person is an unjustifiable risk to children
  • VIT must refuse an application for registration / renewal of registration if the person has been charged, convicted or found guilty of a category B offence AND the VIT considers that the person is an unjustifiable risk to children.

Register of disciplinary Action (RODA)

The Register of Disciplinary Action (RODA) is a register which lists disciplinary action taken against teachers by the Institute (and formerly by the Registered Schools Board).

Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, the VIT is required to maintain the RODA and make it available for inspection by the public.

Disciplinary action includes

  • cautioning of a teacher
  • reprimanding of a teacher
  • imposition of conditions on a teacher’s registration
  • suspension of a teacher’s registration
  • cancellation of a teacher’s registration
  • disqualification of a teacher applying for registration for a period of time.

Register terms

When searching the public register for a teacher's registration status, the following key will help you identify if a teacher is registered to teach.

Registration Status    Description
Current                      Registered to teach
Non Practising           Registered but UNABLE TO TEACH

Where the registration status is 'Current', this means the teacher is registered with VIT and eligible to teach in a Victorian school or early childhood service, even if their expiry date is in the past.

Where the registration status is 'Non Practising', this means the teacher is registered with VIT but is unable to meet the professional practice requirements for renewal of registration and therefore CANNOT teach in a Victorian school or early childhood service until they make an application to return to teaching. Upon successful application, the teacher’s record will show as 'Current'.

Registered early childhood teacher

To be registered to teach as an early childhood teacher (ECT), applicants are required to have completed an early childhood education qualification that is approved or recognised by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) in one of the following configurations

  • an ACECQA approved ECT qualification (listed on ACECQA website at the ECT level)
  • an ACECQA recognised ECT qualification (for example, a qualification from overseas that ACECQA has assessed as equivalent against the Australian standards)
  • an early childhood teaching qualification recognised by a former teaching authority, or
  • an ACECQA approved early childhood Diploma, together with
    • current registration as a teacher in Australia
    • an approved ITE program specialising in primary teaching.

Registered teacher

Registered teachers are required to complete qualifications that meet national standards and undertake rigorous suitability assessments in order to obtain registration. The VIT ensures that regular professional learning and suitability assessment continues throughout a teacher’s career.

Teachers work in many different education settings including government, Catholic and independent schools and early childhood services, as well as other teaching contexts such as hospitals, zoos and museums.

All teachers who are registered to teach in Victoria will appear on the Register of teachers

A person listed on the Register of teachers is registered and permitted to teach in a Victorian

  • primary or secondary, P-12 or special education school setting
  • a special education school setting, hospitals or museums, or
  • as a principal or educational leader in a large range of education services.

Registration expiry

Registered teachers are required to complete annual registration tasks in order to remain registered. If a teacher does not complete these tasks by their registration expiry date, they are removed from the register and are unable to undertake the duties of a teacher.

Registration type

The type of registration defined under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, these include

  • a full registered teacher
  • a provisionally registered teacher
  • a full registered early childhood teacher
  • a provisionally registered early child
  • a non-practising teacher
  • permission to teach (PTT)

Renewal of registration

Teachers who hold full registration are required to make an application by 30 September each year to renew their registration. This includes completing renewal modules – professional learning and professional practice – and making declarations regarding suitability to teach. If this applies to you, the modules will show in your MyVIT account.

Teachers with full registration have demonstrated that their professional practice against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) standards at the proficient level. To maintain full registration, you are required to renew your registration annually.

To successfully renew your registration, you will need to make declarations

  • that you have practised for at least 20 days as a teacher / educational leader (or undertaken equivalent practice)
  • that you have completed at least 20 hours of professional learning activity that references the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

(Provisionally register teachers and those who hold permission to teach (PTT) see annual renewal.)

Reportable conduct

Reportable conduct is defined in the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005. It means

  • sexual offences (against, with or in the presence of, a child)
  • sexual misconduct (against, with or in the presence of, a child)
  • physical violence (against, with or in the presence of, a child)
  • behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological harm
  • significant neglect.

Returning to teach

Refers to 'Returning to teaching from non-practising'
When you wish to return to teaching from non-practising, you must notify VIT prior to undertaking the duties of a teacher.

You can submit an application to return to teaching at any time via your MyVIT account by accessing the ‘Manage your registration’ tile.

When you apply to return to teaching, you must be sure that you will be able to meet the returning requirements, as you are not able to return to non-practising registration. See the website for these requirements.